This book is in British English. ... Adam's money order was for one hundred pounds. Suddenly he was a rich man!"Go to the Post Office" - said the school teacher. "The Post Office official will give you the money." Adam went to the Post Office. But The official did not give him the money. Adam felt old and he felt poor again. There are exercises at the end of the book. Included CD contains audio versions of all the chapters of the book. ... |
This is a horror story about a scientist and his investigations into his own character, but soon he finds himself under the control of a darker, evil force. "– Mr. Hyde? - Utterson asked. The small man dis not look at Utterson. – That is my name - he said in a low voice. – What do you want? – I am a friend of Dr Henry Jekyll - said Utterson. – You won't find him here - said Mr. Hyde. – How do you know who I am? – Dr. Jekyll told me about you - said Utterson. – He never told you - said Mr. Hyde. – You're lying! Mr. Hyde opened the door quickly. He disappeared into the house and locked the door behind him. – I ... |
The year is 1547. In London, two boys from different families live very different lives. One is Edward Tudor, a prince and the future King of England; the other is Tom Canty, the son of a thief. One day they meet and their lives change forever. What happens when the two boys wear each others clothes? Why does the prince need the help of a poor man? Who becomes king when Henry VIII dies? And how can a beautiful gold object save the prince? Mark Twain's classic story of two young boys who swap lives has the answers. "A few minutes later, Tom was wearing the prince's expensive clothes and the hat with purple ... |
Illustrated by Kay Dixie. ... "Oliver stared round the dirty room. There was a rope tied across one corner of the room. Many brightly-coloured silk handkerchiefs were hanging over the rope. Fagin smiled again."My handkerchiefs are pretty, aren't they, Oliver?", he said. "And they're all waiting to be washed!"To Oliver's surprise, all the boys laughed." From the Book This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercises; notes about the life of Charles Dickens; points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult ... |
Illustrated by Kay Dixie. ... "Your mother, Esther, was your disgrace and you are hers." These words were Esther's earliest memory. But who was Esther's mother? What was the disgrace? And why did the ghost walk at Chesney Wold? This book is in British English. Here you can find: points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult vocabulary; list of titles at upper level; free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheet at ... |
Illustrated by John Dillow and Peter Harper. ... "I knew that I was hundreds of miles from the places merchant ships went. I was sure that I was going to die on this lonely island, completely alone. When I thought about this the tears ran down my face. I felt sorry that I had been born." From the Book The young Robinson Crusoe ignores his father's advice and decides to become a sailor. But Crusoe is soon caught up in violent storms and finds himself shipwrecked on a remote island. He will have to live on this island for the next twenty-eight years. This book is in British English. Here you can find: ... |
Настоящата книга съдържа: адаптирана версия на приказките "Nightingale and the Rose", "The Happy Prince", "The Selfish Giant", "The Devoted Friend", "The Remarkable Rocket" и "The Birthday of the Infanta" от Оскар Уайлд на английски език; превод на по-сложни думи и изрази; шест теста, подходящи за всички, владеещи английски език на средно ниво (B1); ключ с отговорите на тестовете. Поредицата "Language Trainer" е предназначена да помага на учащите да усъвършенстват познанията си по английски език, като: развиват своите умения за четене с ... |
Учебникът подготвя за актуализирания изпит "Certificate in Advanced English" от 2015 г. ... "Cambridge English - Advanced" е учебник по английски език за подготовка за променения през 2015 г. сертификатен изпит "CAE" (Certificate in Advanced English), изискващ езикови знания на ниво C1. За да може подготовката да се провежда както групово, така и самостоятелно, учебникът се предлага в два варианта: с отговори - 184 стр.; без отговори - 120 стр. Учебникът с отговори е подходящ за учители и за самостоятелна подготовка, а учебникът без отговори е предназначен за интензивна работа с ... |
"Lola y Leo. Paso a paso" presenta los contenidos de la colección Lola y Leo en cuatro niveles en lugar de tres para ofrecer una progresión más pautada. El Cuaderno de ejercicios de "Lola y Leo. Paso a paso" 2 consta de cinco unidades y juegos de repaso gramatical y léxico. El Cuaderno de ejercicios de "Lola y Leo. Paso a paso" 2 ofrece un glosario visual concebido como espacio de trabajo y un anexo con material recortable para dinamizar las actividades. Cada unidad ofrece una serie de divertidos ejercicios que ponen en práctica los contenidos del Libro del alumno ... |
Дисковете съдържат всички аудиоматериали от учебника. Учебната система по английски език за 6. клас се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка книга за учителя + DVD 3 CD с аудиоматериали Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. Настоящото издание е одобрено от МОН и е съвместимо с учебната програма за 2024/2025 г. Ако имате нужда от подвързия за различни формати учебници, тетрадки и учебни помагала, посетете нашата специална секция Подвързии. ... |
Estructurado en torno a 14 unidades para faclitarles la tarea a los usuarios que necesiten trabajar el libro en dos fases, cubre los contenidos de A1 y A2 definidos en los Niveles de referencia para el español según las recomendaciones del Marco común de referencia para las lenguas: aprendizaje, enseñanza y evaluación. Учебната система по испански език "Vente - ниво 1 (A1 - A2)" на издателство "Edelsa" се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |
Permite a los estudiantes reforzar y practicar los contenidos lingüísticos de Vente 1, libro del alumno. El libro se compone de 14 módulos. Cada módulo contiene: una página entera de comunicación dirigida a la práctica de la expresión e interacción oral; una página entera dedicada al léxico; una doble página de gramática en la que se integran ejercicios decomprensión auditiva, comprensión lectora y pronunciación y ortografía; una autoevaluación después de cada dos temas donde el alumno podrá comprobar el nivel ... |