Based on the story of Desmond Bagley. Retold by Ralph Mowat. ... On a beautiful summer evening in the quiet town of Marlow, a young woman is walking home from church. She passes a man who is looking at the engine of his car. He turns round, smiles at her... and throws acid into her face. Then her father, the scientist George Ashton, disappears. And her sister, Penny, discovers that her husband-to-be, Malcolm, is a government agent. Why has Ashton disappeared, and why is Malcolm told to hunt for him? Who is George Ashton, anyway? And who is the enemy? Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary ... |
Based on the story of Charlotte Bronte. Retold by Clare West. ... Jane Eyre is alone in the world. Disliked by her aunt's family, she is sent away to school. Here she learns that a young girl, with neither money nor family to support her, can expect little from the world. She survives, but she wants more from life than simply to survive: she wants respect, and love. When she goes to work for Mr Rochester, she hopes she has found both at once. But the sound of strange laughter, late at night, behind a locked door, warns her that her troubles are only beginning. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Crime becomes personal for New York private investigator Nathan Marley as he tries to prove the innocence of murder suspect José - a member of his assistant Stella's family. As unidentified bodies are washed up on a beach, the search for proof takes him into the heart of the New York Russian American community. Marley must work quickly to save José and find the real criminals. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Seven journeys which change lives for ever. A New York fashion buyer returns to her English home. A successful author meets an old friend. A reporter travels to an execution. A lorry driver gives an escaped prisoner a lift. A taxi driver picks up 'Bruce Lee'. A man's love for a tram driver leads him to follow her. And four strangers meet at a motel for the first and last time. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A musician disappears, leaving only a strange e-mail message. Her husband, in a desperate search to find her, revisits their shared past and has to face up to some unpleasant realities, before trying to rebuild his life. His journey of discovery takes us across the world to Poland and Rio and deep into the human heart. ... |
Със своите близо 90 000 речникови единици "Официален правописен речник на българския език" е най-пълният досега справочник от този тип. Речникът има нормативен характер – правилата, формулирани в увода, и правописът на включените в него думи са задължителни за писменото общуване. Уводните части на речника съдържат правилата на писмения език, представени максимално ясно, достъпно и непротиворечиво. Речникът регистрира активния речников състав на днешния книжовен български език и съдържа значително повече думи и форми от досега действалите правописни речници, издания на Института за български език. След ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Hello. Kate. This is Jan. I'm sorry, but you'll have to come down to Mother's. We've got to talk. I can't go on like this. It's becoming impossible. I know you're always busy but you'll have to come, Kate. I can't manage with Mother any more. Please call me back as soon as you can. Two sisters struggle to come to terms with their mother's illness and its effect on their lives. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities."In the early 1990s Katy, a young reporter, arrives in Sarajevo, a city under siege, and receives conflicting advice from two colleagues. "Of all the wars I've been in," a news cameraman tells her, "this is the one where it's not possible to be objective. You can't be objective about what's going on here." "This is not my war or your war," an Italian journalist ... |
Включва много упражнения. Учебното помагало е одобрено със заповед № РД 09-320/04.03.2014година за одобрение на учебни помагала на министъра на образованието и науката. ... Речникът е: Изключително полезен за учениците от началната образователна степен (от 1. до 4. клас ). За работа в клас. За самостоятелна подготовка вкъщи. За СИП и ЗИП. Учебният и тренировъчен правописен речник е най-добрият помощник на всички, които обичат българския език и искат да говорят и пишат грамотно. Отговаря на държавните образователни изисквания, на действащата учебна програма и на най-новите европейски стандарти, отговаря на изискванията ... |
Речникът съдържа: Общоприети, най-често употребявани фразеолозми, наследени от миналото, отразяващи важни страни от историята на народа, от неговия бит, душевност, нравственост Фразеологизми, възникнали от по-ново време Вниманието на читателите се насочва към: Структурните особености на фразеологичните единици Източниците за възникване на фразеологизмите Значението и ситуационно уместната им употреба Фразеологизмите, като вид творчество на народа и средство за самопознание, представляват интерес за широк кръг читатели. Целта на настоящия речник е да бъде полезен за ученици, студенти при овладяване на ... |
Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Alexandria, Egypt. Anika and Zaphira are sitting at a seafront café. Suddenly, there is a huge explosion which knocks them over and changes their lives for ever. Both teenage girls learn a lot about each other as they struggle to survive, and to understand what has happened and why. And their combined strength is a surprise to the men they come up against. ... |
Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Eighteen-year-old Francesca comes to England to achieve her life-long ambition of learning to fly. The first lessons go really well and Doug, her instructor, describes her as a natural pilot. But when Doug's actions lead Francesca to question his motives, she starts to lose her confidence. Her dream of independence in the sky is in danger. ... |