Антологията по раннохристиянска литература включва преводи от старогръцки и латински език на откъси от 32 произведения, представящи 26 автори и анонимни творби. Текстове като т. нар. "Послание на Варнава" и два коментара към Псалмите на св. Йоан Златоуст са представени в пълна форма без съкращения. Антологията включва както вече познати на българския читател автори и свети църковни Отци (Йоан Златоуст, Григорий Назиански, Василий Велики, Киприан, Августин), така и важни, но по-малко познати или неиздавани досега на български автори като светите Ерм, Юстин, Климент Александрийски, Хиполит Римски, Ириней Лионски, ... |
The first Tarot deck inspired by Madame Lenormand, the most famous fortune teller in history. The images originate from Etteilla's Livre de Thoth and from the oracle cards of Lenormand herself. Thanks to the simplicity of these Tarot cards and to one's intuition, one finds the key to reading the present, the past and the future. Art by Ernest Fitzpatrick, 78 cards with dimensions 6.6 x 12 cm and instruction booklet included. ... |
Who better than the Little Prince, with this beautiful deck inspired by him, to help us find the answers to the questions about romantic relationships that we often ask the Tarot cards? Art by Martina Rossi, 78 cards with dimensions 6.5 x 11.8 cm and multilingual instruction booklet included. ... |
Not many may know the name of Ferenc Pintér. However, this is about to change once people will have seen this Tarot deck. It is a deck beyond the edges of reality, crossing the boundary of what is subjective and what is just imaginary. It is a journey into perfect art, in a sea of mysteries and within our own intuition. A masterpiece Tarot that needs to be savored and not just consumed. Artwork by Ferenc Pintér, Charles Harrington, Pietro Alligo. 78 cards with dimensions 7 x 12 cm and multilingual instruction booklet included. ... |
One of the oldest Tarot decks preserved to this day, perhaps the most beautiful of all. These cards are universally recognized as one of the most extraordinary examples of the art of miniature and Renaissance symbolism. For the first time, the Visconti Tarot has been restored and printed with gold foil impressions, to enhance their original splendor. Restored by A. A. Atanassov, 78 cards with dimensions 6.6 x 12 cm and instruction booklet included. ... |
A stunning tribute to Art Nouveau pioneer Alphonse Mucha, this deck embraces the fresh beauty of the early 20th century, along with the eternal wisdom and understanding of tarot cards. This special edition contains a booklet that reveals every secret hidden in the cards. Art by Giulia F. Massaglia, colors by Barbara Nosenzo. 78 cards with dimensions 7 x 12 cm and multilingual instruction booklet included. ... |
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter: the seasons are the first measure of time and the cyclical nature of things. All are interconnected and they transmit the sense of continuity as well as change in the world. The Manga tarot shows a universe of connections and references constructed around the fantastic epic of the Orient. Artwork by Anna Lazzarini, 78 full colour cards, dimensions: 7 / 3 / 12 cm and multilingual instruction booklet. ... |
You don't have to use your imagination to feel the power of alchemy and magic - they are potently available in the elements that surround you! Our ancestors harnessed the powers of earth, air, fire and water and north, south, east and west; these have been key parts of pagan and witchcraft traditions for millennia, and now it's your turn! Modern science has revealed active energies such as electricity, gravity, magnetism, atoms and even the mysterious dark matter, all of which can be utilised spiritually in alchemic magic within this oracle. All energies from the smallest atom to the greatest solar power, from ... |
In the Pictorial Key you will recognize the images, symbols and universal meanings of the Tarot as you have never seen them before. This cutting-edge creation is so realistic and innovative that it almost makes all the Arcana come alive. The Pictorial Key possesses an effective evocative power and an instrument that can open our inner temple. Art by Davide Corsi. 78 cards with dimensions 6.6 x 12 cm and instruction booklet included. ... |
American author Barbara Moore presents the second part of an extraordinary double Tarot deck. Taken together, this work constitutes a complete version of the Book of Shadows: As Above, So Below. Art by S. Ariganello and A. Pastorello. 78 cards with dimensions 6.6 x 12 cm and instruction booklet included. ... |
Dragons are immensely powerful, creative, inquisitive and honourable beings, with enormous compassion and often a dry sense of humour. This ground-breaking oracle deck allows users to connect with 33 dragons, each with their own personality and way of helping us. Each of the 33 stunning cards represents one of the dragons, and an 80-page booklet profiles the dragons in detail, suggesting how to work with their energy. The Dragons are grouped in four clans: the Earth Walk Dragons, the empowering, who support us on our physical journey; the multi-dimensional Galactic Dragons, the connectors, who work out in the galaxies to ... |
A 70-card oracle deck-featuring female icons and otherworldly symbols-that aims to add spiritual insight and feminist guidance to your personal divination practice. If you seek wisdom from strong, creative women, this oracle deck-which features 30 prominent female writers from literary history-will give you what you seek. The female visionaries in this deck will inform answers to questions about your creative life and spiritual journey. In addition to the portraits of literary heroes, such as Virginia Woolf and Toni Morrison, and lesser-known trailblazers, such as Yumiko Kurahashi and Mirabai, the deck features 40 symbol ... |