Будителите на българския народ са тези духовници, творци и държавници, които повече от хилядолетие са развивали и защитавали българската духовна и национална независимост. На великите будители от Възраждането, които са създали съвременния български език и култура, е посветена тази книга. ... |
Яйцето се разпуква и от малка дупчица в земята се подава главица на животинче, покрита с черупка. Това е сухоземната костенурка Сима. Заедно с нея, мили деца, ще пребродите гори и полянки в Еминска планина, ще стигнете дори до морето. Ще опознаете чудния свят на костенурките, техните навици и начин на живот, дори ще се сблъскате със смъртни опасности и врагове, най-страшният от които е човекът. Ще посетите и костенурковата "болница" - Центърът за размножаване и рехабилитация на сухоземни костенурки в с. Баня, недалеч от морския бряг. Тук много болни и ранени роднини на Сима намират помощ и грижа, както и шанс ... |
Тетрадката е предназначена за упражнение на учениците в 1. клас, както и за децата в III група и IV предучилищна група на детската градина. Помагалото е подходящо за деца на възраст от 5 до 9 години. ... |
Тетрадката е предназначена за упражнение на учениците в 1. клас и 2. клас, както и на децата в III. група и IV. предучилищна група на детската градина. С помощта ѝ децата ще научат как да изписват цифрите и как да ги изговарят и пишат на английски език. ... |
Eric Carle 's classic, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", in board book format. A much-loved classic, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" has won over millions of readers with its vivid and colourful collage illustrations and its deceptively simply, hopeful story. With its die-cut pages and finger-sized holes to explore, this is a richly satisfying book for children. Eric Carle is an internationally bestselling and award-winning author and illustrator of books for very young children. Eric lives in Massachusetts with his wife, Barbara. ... |
Dog lovers will adore this imperfect yet endearing mutt and his quest for excellence! Everyone in the Ellis family is excellent - except Ed. Ed wonders if this is why he isn't allowed to eat at the table or sit on the couch with the other children. So he's determined to find his own thing to be excellent at - only to be (inadvertently) outdone by a family member every time. Now Ed is nervous. What if he's not excellent enough to belong in this family? This funny and endearing story offers a subtle look at sibling rivalry and self esteem, and will reassure kids that everyone is excellent at something, and ... |
Traditional tale adapted by Gill Munton. ... In this traditional tale, the Biscuit Man escapes from the kitchen and runs away. No one can catch him until he meets a fox. "Macmillan English Explorers" is an eight-level reading scheme written specifically for young learners of English. They bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms. Informed by the National Literacy Strategy and by teaching methodology for first language speakers of English, "Macmillan Explorers" is supported by an understanding of the needs of young learners and teachers of English. ... |
This beautiful gift book presents five of Aesop's most famous moral tales, carefully retold to appeal to young readers. Bright, colourful illustrations are packed with charm and detail to capture the imaginations of younger children. Stories included are The Hare and the Tortoise, The Boy who Cried Wolf, The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, The Ant and the Grasshopper and The Lion and the Mouse. ... |
"Dear Child, This book will introduce you to some of the birds that you can see in the park, in your garden, on your way to school or when you go out into the countryside. You will learn from their "conversations" how they spend the winter, what their favorite meal is and how they make their homes. The information I have given is scientifically correct and I have done the drawings as accurately as I would for scientific publication. I hope you enjoy my pictures as much as I have enjoyed drawing them." Ekaterina Kozuharova ... |