Пенсионираният полковник Себастиано Проколо получава в наследство част от огромна гора в планината. По-хубавият дял обаче отива при неговия племенник, 12-годишния сирак Бенвенуто, което предизвиква неприязънта на полковника, а тя на свой ред отключва ред странни, страшни и вълнуващи събития. Освен вековните ели, в "Тайната на Старата гора" има горски духове, ветрове с труден характер, гъсеници вандали, отряд кошмари, птичо съдилище, сърдита сянка... Плюс козни, мистерии, приключения, приятелства, предателства, саможертва и изкупление. И много от вечната и тленна, възхитителна и безмилостна природа. "Тайната ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Inspired by his experiences as a reporter during the Spanish Civil War, Ernest Hemingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls" tells the story of Robert Jordan, an American volunteer in the International Brigades fighting to defend the Spanish Republic against Franco. After being ordered to work with guerrilla fighters to destroy a bridge, Jordan finds himself falling in love with a young Spanish woman and clashing with the guerrilla leader over the risks of their mission. One of the great novels of the twentieth century, "For Whom the Bell ... |
Complete and unabridged. ... As well as being one of the major literary figures of the twentieth century and the recipient of the 1923 Nobel Prize for Literature, William Butler Yeats (1865 - 1939) is the greatest lyric poet that Ireland has produced. His early work includes the beguiling When You are Old, The Cloths of Heaven and The Lake Isle of Innisfree but, unusually for a poet, Yeats's later works, including Parnell's Funeral, surpass even those of his youth. All are present in this volume, which reproduces the 1933 edition of W. B. Yeats's Collected Poems and also contains an illuminating ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Set in the South of France in the decade after the First World War, "Tender is the Night" explores the new world of moneyed leisure found by the first generation of idle-rich Americans to take refuge in the French Riviera, bracketed between the horrors of the Great War and the Great Depression to come. It is the story of a brilliant and magnetic psychiatrist named Dick Diver; the bewitching, wealthy, and dangerously unstable mental patient, Nicole, who becomes his wife; and the beautiful, harrowing ten-year pas de deux they act out along the ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "Tales of the Jazz Age" features eleven of F. Scott Fitzgerald's best-loved short stories and "novelettes" including "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz". Set in the Jazz Age, Fitzgerald's own term for the Roaring Twenties of newly confident, post-war America, this collection shows a comic genius at work, fashioning every genre from low farce to shrewd social insight, along with fantasy of extraordinary invention. These stories illuminate the unique talent who went on to ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "The Sonnets" of William Shakespeare, a cycle of 154 linked poems, were first published in 1609. Filled with ideas about love, beauty and mortality, the sonnets are written in the same beautiful and innovative language that we have come to know from Shakespeare's plays. The first 126 sonnets are addressed to a young man known as the "Fair Youth", while others are directed at a "Rival Poet", and a "Dark Lady". This "Macmillan Collector's Library" edition contains all of the poems, which explore many ... |
"Няма АЗ, няма ИМАМ, няма СЪМ." Самюъл Бекет "Под отчаянието у Сам се таеше нещо, което той пожела да премълчи и което навярно бе свързано с дълбоката жалост, която той изпитваше към човешкото страдание. Той го изрази по начин, който всеки може да тълкува по своя воля - като открит бунт или като смирена отстъпчивост." Робер Пенже Борхес "Корозивната сила на Бекет не е свързана нито с идеология, нито с философска доктрина. Той не онагледява, той показва. Показва човека, лишен от илюзии, убеждения, вярвания и разсъждения, които служат само за прикритие на същностната му болка - да страда, оголен ... |
Тифани е изключително изискан, скъп и прочут бижутериен магазин в Ню Йорк, разположен на Пето Авеню номер 727, който се превръща в истинска легенда, и то в световен мащаб, след романа на Труман Капоти Закуска в Тифани (публикуван през 1958 г.). Книгата става знаково произведение за големия писател и го превръща в жив класик. Романът получава такава известност, че сега бижутерийният магазин се рекламира чрез него и чрез едноименния филм по сценарий на Капоти. Изпълнението на Одри Хепбърн в Закуска в Тифани се смята за най-доброто в цялата ѝ кариера. Филмът пожънва невероятен успех, отнася голям брой номинации и ... |
Shelley's short, prolific life produced some of the most memorable and well-known lyrics of the Romantic period. But he was also the most radical writer in the English literary tradition of his day, a fiery political visionary committed to social change and progress. The generous selection in this volume represents the wide range of his writing, both poetry and prose. Arranged chronologically, the accompanying introductory essays set Shelley's works in their historical, social and political context. They provide a vivid insight into the life and times of this volcanic spirit whose inspiring voice called on the ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Life in pre-revolutionary Cuba is not easy and James Wormold, a failing vacuum cleaner salesman, is struggling to fund the increasingly lavish lifestyle of his manipulative sixteen year-old daughter, Milly. So when an enigmatic Englishman offers him an extra income in return for a little spying, he is sorely tempted... But when the fake reports he's been sending to London start to come true, Havana suddenly becomes a very dangerous place indeed. Both a brilliant Cold War thriller and hilarious work of satire, "Our Man in Havana" is Graham ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. One of the great Victorian novels, "The Moonstone" has engrossed, entertained and enraptured readers since its first publication in 1868. This edition features an introduction by the renowned historian, journalist and author, Judith Flanders. Lady Verinder's uncle gives her the Moonstone - a magnificent diamond as large as an egg - ... |
With an introduction by Rachel Cusk. Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Edith Wharton's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, "The Age of Innocence", is both a poignant story of frustrated love and an extraordinarily vivid, delightfully satirical record of a vanished world. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features an introduction by award-winning novelist, Rachel Cusk. As the scion of ... |