От автора на бестселъра "Ловецът на хвърчила" - книгата, която развълнува целия свят и вдъхнови Марк Форстър за филма, който очакваме в България през април. "Хиляда сияйни слънца" е на първо място в класациите на "Пъблишърс Уийкли" за най-продаваните романи през 2007 г.! Драматичен и вдъхновяващ разказ за съдбата на две жени, събрани под общ покрив от опустошителната война в Афганистан и измамата на един деспотичен мъж. Мариам и Лайла са от два свята, от различни поколения и култури. Тяхната среща поражда омраза помежду им, но животът ги превръща в приятелки и съюзници, разделени от смъртта. ... |
Адаптирано ученическо издание ... Това издание е част от серията Книги за ученика на издателство Пан. Поредицата представя литературни произведения, включени в учебната програма за 4. - 11. клас. Текстовете са съобразени с възрастта на читателите. Придружени са с критически анализи и оценки от различни гледни точки, с проблемни въпроси, тематични разработки, животопис - съобразно съвременните методически изисквания. ... |
Адаптирано ученическо издание. ... По думите на друг известен български радетел Захари Стоянов, каквото и да е написал Христо Ботев, каквото и да е казал, душата му всецяло е участвала в думите му, в плача му, в смеха му... Настоящата книга включва стихотворения, сатирична проза, критика, книгопис и публицистика от Ботев. Това издание е част от серията Книги за ученика на издателство Пан. Поредицата представя литературни произведения, включени в учебната програма за 4. - 11. клас. Текстовете са съобразени с възрастта на читателите. Придружени са с критически анализи и оценки от различни гледни точки, с проблемни ... |
Възрастните спасяват децата, но кой ще спаси възрастните? ... Когато самолет катастрофира на самотен остров, единствените оцелели са малка група момчета. Първоначалните им опити да намерят помощ от цивилизования свят и правилата, които си измислят, за да оцелеят, бързо се разтапят в бруталност, жестокост и диващина. Една от най-обичаните класики на всички времена се завръща отново на български език, за да ни напомни за загубата на невинността и злото, което се крие във всеки от нас. "Един ден, след като бях прекарал двайсет минути в това да вадя книги от рафтовете, надписани "За млади читатели", и да ги ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... A young prince meets with his father's ghost, who alleges that his own brother, now married to his widow, murdered him. The prince devises a scheme to test the truth of the ghost's accusation, feigning wild madness while plotting a brutal revenge until his apparent insanity begins to wreak havoc on innocent and guilty alike. Hamlet's combination of violence, introspection, dark humour and rich language is intoxicating. It remains the world's most widely studied and performed play, and is a cornerstone of world literature. This " ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Roger Chillingworth arrives in New England after two years' separation from his wife, Hester Prynne, to find her on trial for adultery. She refuses to reveal her lover and is sentenced to wear a scarlet letter 'A' sewn onto her clothes. Resolving to discover the man's identity, Roger sets out to destroy his rival, while Hester desperately tries to protect her illegitimate daughter from a society determined to condemn them both. A smash hit in its day, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is the gripping tale of three New England ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Inspired by his experiences as a reporter during the Spanish Civil War, Ernest Hemingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls" tells the story of Robert Jordan, an American volunteer in the International Brigades fighting to defend the Spanish Republic against Franco. After being ordered to work with guerrilla fighters to destroy a bridge, Jordan finds himself falling in love with a young Spanish woman and clashing with the guerrilla leader over the risks of their mission. One of the great novels of the twentieth century, "For Whom the Bell ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Dark and violent, "Macbeth" is also the most theatrically spectacular of Shakespeare's tragedies. Promised a golden future as ruler of Scotland by three sinister witches, Macbeth murders the king to ensure his ambitions are realized. But he soon learns the meaning of terror - killing once, he must kill again and again, and the dead return to haunt him. A story of war and witchcraft, "Macbeth" also explores the relationship between husband and wife, and the risks they are prepared to take to achieve their desires. This " ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... When Jonathan Harker is summoned to Transylvania to finalize a property deal for the mysterious Count Dracula, he stumbles upon an ancient evil he is unprepared to face. When that evil escapes to England, the entire nation is suddenly under threat and only an aged vampire hunter, Professor Abraham Van Helsing, can put a stop to the bloodshed. Sensual, dark and thrilling, Bram Stoker's "Dracula" remains the seminal work of Gothic fiction, and in this elegant "Macmillan Collector's Library" edition, which includes an ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... In "The Great Gatsby", F. Scott Fitzgerald captures the flamboyance, the carelessness and the cruelty of the wealthy during America's Jazz Age. "The Great Gatsby" lives mysteriously in a luxurious Long Island mansion, playing lavish host to hundreds of people. And yet no one seems to know him or how he became so rich. He is rumoured to be everything from a German spy to a war hero. People clamour for invitations to his wild parties. But Jay Gatsby doesn't heed them. He cares for one person alone - Daisy Buchanan, the woman he ... |
An abridged edition with an afterword by Marcus Clapham. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas is the ultimate novel of retribution. Based on a true story, it recounts the story of Edouard Dantes, his betrayal and imprisonment in the sinister Chateau d'If. Years later, Paris is intrigued by the mysterious Count of Monte Cristo, who bursts onto the Paris social scene with his millions. He encounters the three principal betrayers of Dantes who have prospered in the post-Napoleonic boom and, one by one, their lives fall apart. The book was a huge, popular ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "To love makes one solitary, she thought." On a perfect June morning, Clarissa Dalloway - fashionable, worldly, wealthy, an accomplished hostess - sets off to buy flowers for the party she will host that evening. She is preoccupied with thoughts of the present and memories of the past, and from her interior monologue emerge the people who have touched her life. On the same day, Septimus Warren Smith, a shell-shocked survivor of the Great War, commits suicide, and casual mention of his death at the party provokes in Clarissa thoughts of her own ... |