Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Roger Chillingworth arrives in New England after two years' separation from his wife, Hester Prynne, to find her on trial for adultery. She refuses to reveal her lover and is sentenced to wear a scarlet letter 'A' sewn onto her clothes. Resolving to discover the man's identity, Roger sets out to destroy his rival, while Hester desperately tries to protect her illegitimate daughter from a society determined to condemn them both. A smash hit in its day, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is the gripping tale of three New England ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... One wild, snowy night on the Yorkshire moors, a gentleman asks about Wuthering Heights, the remote farmhouse inhabited by his mysterious landlord. He is told about the tragic romance of the beautiful, headstrong Cathy and the orphan Heathcliff, who - although desperately in love her - is rejected in favor of a rich suitor. But Cathy cannot forget him, and he develops a lust for revenge that will take over his life as he attempts to win her back, and to destroy everyone, and everything, he considers responsible for his loss. One of the great novels of the ... |
Книгата е част от поредицата за детско-юношеска класика - "Златно перо". ... Колоритни и сладкодумни като приказки, българските предания и легенди ни разкриват вярванията на нашия народ, начина, по който си е обяснявал създаването на света, небесните светила, човека, животните, дърветата, природните явления – като дъжд, бури, светкавици и гръмотевици. Освен това те дават богата информация за бита на българина и за знаменателни събития от неговата история. Подборът на преданията и легендите е направен съобразно учебната програма. ... |
Това издание е част от серията Книги за ученика на издателство Пан. Поредицата представя литературни произведения, включени в учебната програма за 4. - 11. клас. Текстовете са съобразени с възрастта на читателите. Придружени са с критически анализи и оценки от различни гледни точки, с проблемни въпроси, тематични разработки, животопис - съобразно съвременните методически изисквания. ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... In "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", one of the best-known and best-loved poems in the English language, a grizzled old sailor stops a man on his way to a wedding and tells a terrifying story. He speaks of how he doomed the crew of his ship by shooting dead an albatross, awakened the wrath of ocean spirits, met Death himself, and must now walk the earth for ever and share his tragic tale of sin, guilt and - ultimately - redemption. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s longest major poem features ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... This mesmerising, macabre collection contains Edgar Allan Poe's best-known poetry, including "The Raven", "Annabel Lee" and "Lenore", and a selection of his very best stories, along with his finest tales from the last decade of his tragically short life. Many of these stories and poems explore the familiar Poe themes of murder, obsession and love, but this volume also contains many overlooked tales of the fantastic, black comedies, parodies and hoaxes, such as "The Unparalleled Adventure of Hans Pfaall", " ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "The Sonnets" of William Shakespeare, a cycle of 154 linked poems, were first published in 1609. Filled with ideas about love, beauty and mortality, the sonnets are written in the same beautiful and innovative language that we have come to know from Shakespeare's plays. The first 126 sonnets are addressed to a young man known as the "Fair Youth", while others are directed at a "Rival Poet", and a "Dark Lady". This "Macmillan Collector's Library" edition contains all of the poems, which explore many ... |
Shelley's short, prolific life produced some of the most memorable and well-known lyrics of the Romantic period. But he was also the most radical writer in the English literary tradition of his day, a fiery political visionary committed to social change and progress. The generous selection in this volume represents the wide range of his writing, both poetry and prose. Arranged chronologically, the accompanying introductory essays set Shelley's works in their historical, social and political context. They provide a vivid insight into the life and times of this volcanic spirit whose inspiring voice called on the ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Dorian Gray is young, arrogant, and devastatingly handsome. Confronted by his beauty in the form of a portrait, and struck by the terrible realization that he will age, Dorian wishes to retain his charms forever and finds his desire granted. He abandons himself to a life of hedonism, vice and murder, yet his face remains unmarked by his evil. But, hidden in his attic, the painting ages and corrupts, and one day Dorian must stand face to face with the man he has become. A perfect depiction of fin-de-siècle decadence, Oscar Wilde's only novel ... |
"Човек забравило себе си обича." ... "Съвременната българска литература започва - а според някои и свършва - с Виктор Пасков. В "Балада за Георг Хених" диша, говори и страда, за да изкупи за пореден път греховете на всички ни, самият Господ. Необичаен евангелист е Виктор Пасков. Но с тази книга, едно от най-важните произведения в (не само) съвременната българска литература, той пристъпи към вечността. Ние сме дъските в ръцете на стария майстор Георг. Сами трябва да изберем дали да ни превърне във виола, или пък в бюфет. Онези, които ще изберат виолата, са читателите на Балада за Георг Хених. И в ... |
Selected Poems. Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "Leaves of Grass" is Walt Whitman's glorious poetry collection, first published in 1855, which he revised and expanded throughout his lifetime. It was ground-breaking in its subject matter and in its direct, unembellished style. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition is edited and introduced by Professor Bridget Bennett. Whitman ... |
According to The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Which - world's only totally reliable guide to the future, written in 1655, before she exposed - the world will end on a Saturday. Next Saturday, in fact. Just after tea... People have been pretending the end of the world almost from its very beginning, so it's only natural to be sceptical when a new date is set for Judgement Day. This time, though, the armies of God and Evil realy do appear to be missing. The Four Bikers of the Apocalypse are hitting the road. But both angels and demons - well, one first-living demon and a samowhat fussy angel - ... |