Упражнителната тетрадка "Фина моторика" на издателство "Папагалчето" съдържа забавни задачи и упражнения за децата. ... |
Упражнителната тетрадка "Цифрите" на издателство "Папагалчето" помага на децата на научат по-лесно цифрите. ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Kou Lan. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird books" edition of "Aladdin" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic fairy tale for young readers from. The story is sensitively retold, following the a young boy's adventures with a wicked magician, a beautiful princess and two amazing genies. "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with beautiful pictures of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. Children have always loved, and will ... |
Retold by Alison Ainsworth, illustrated by Galia Bernstein. ... An abridget retelling of the classic story by Rudyard Kipling, suitable for younger readers. Mowgli, the man-cub, is raised by wolves in the jungle in India. His friends are Baloo the bear and Bagheera the panther. His enemy is the ferocious tiger Shere Khan. Mowgli's life is filled with adventure and the chance to find his true place in the jungle. The story has been sensitively abridged and retold to make it suitable for sharing with young children. Detailed full-colour illustrations throughout also help to bring this classic tale to life. ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Victoria Assanelli. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird book" edition of "Pinocchio" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic story for young readers. The tale is sensitively retold, following the story of a little wooden puppet who wants to be a real little boy. "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with beautiful pictures of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. Children have always loved, and will always remember, these classic ... |
Една от най-известните български поетеси е написала увлекателна книжка за деца. В нея дакелът Джери разказва в писма до живеещия в столицата Мишо своите преживявания на село. Джери е малък дакел, който във времето между писмата трябва да свиква с много неща от селския живот, а също и да преодолява обичайните проблеми, които порастването поставя пред всяко живо същество. По такъв начин малкият читател може да научи за сблъскването на Джери с болестта и ревността, с любовта и смъртта. Но независимо от разнородните впечатления, които животът изсипва пред малкото куче, то си остава весело и емоционално същество, изпълнено с ... |
Това издание е част от серията Книги за ученика на издателство Пан. Поредицата представя литературни произведения, включени в учебната програма за 4. - 11. клас. Текстовете са съобразени с възрастта на читателите. Придружени са с критически анализи и оценки от различни гледни точки, с проблемни въпроси, тематични разработки, животопис - съобразно съвременните методически изисквания. ... |
"Treasure Island" is a tale of pirates and villains, maps, treasure and shipwreck. When young Jim Hawkins finds a packet in Captain Flint's sea chest, he could not know that the map inside it would lead him to unimaginable treasure. Shipping as cabin boy on the Hispaniola, he sails with Squire Trelawney, Captain Smollett, Dr. Livesey, the sinister Long John Silver and a frightening crew to "Treasure Island". There, mutiny, murder and mayhem lead to a thrilling climax. ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Yunhee Park. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird books" edition of "Beauty and the Beast" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic fairy tale for young readers. The tale is sensitively retold, retaining all the key parts of the story beginning with Beauty's father traveling to the beast's castle through to the day Beauty returns to the castle to find the beast alone in the rose garden. "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with beautiful ... |
Complete and unabridged with an afterword by Sam Giplin. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... When young Jim Hawkins finds a mysterious map in a dead sailor’s sea trunk, it marks the start of a thrilling treasure hunt - and a very dangerous adventure. Accompanied by the local doctor and squire, he sets off on the high seas as a cabin-boy, determined to find the buried hoard. But they are not alone in their quest, a band of pirates - led by the enigmatic, one-legged Long John Silver - will stop at nothing to take back what they believe is theirs. One of the best-loved children's stories of all time, Robert Louis ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Meet the human boy Mowgli, the sleek panther Bagheera, the "sleepy brown bear" Baloo, and the conniving tiger Shere Khan in one of the world's best-loved books. A collection of short stories and poems centred on the charming cast, "The Jungle Book" not only follows Mowgli's journey to learn the Law of the Jungle from his animal companions but also introduces some of its other wonderful inhabitants in stories such as "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" and "The White Seal". This "Macmillan Collector's Library" ... |
44 ценности, които да те водят през живота. Намери своите! Ценности, ценности, ценности. Има толкова много! Знаете ли, че някои от тях са по-важни за едни хора, отколкото за други, тъй като всеки човек има свои ценности? Някои ценят работата в екип, други - упоритостта. Ценностите, които смятате за важни, са вашите ценности! Готови ли сте да се запознаете с цяла съкровищница от ценности - състрадание, уважение, отговорност, смелост и още много други? Да започваме! Илюстрации: Джулия Сийл. ... |