Упражнителната тетрадка "Фина моторика" на издателство "Папагалчето" съдържа забавни задачи и упражнения за децата. ... |
Упражнителната тетрадка "Цифрите" на издателство "Папагалчето" помага на децата на научат по-лесно цифрите. ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Kou Lan. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird books" edition of "Aladdin" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic fairy tale for young readers from. The story is sensitively retold, following the a young boy's adventures with a wicked magician, a beautiful princess and two amazing genies. "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with beautiful pictures of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. Children have always loved, and will ... |
Retold by Alison Ainsworth, illustrated by Galia Bernstein. ... An abridget retelling of the classic story by Rudyard Kipling, suitable for younger readers. Mowgli, the man-cub, is raised by wolves in the jungle in India. His friends are Baloo the bear and Bagheera the panther. His enemy is the ferocious tiger Shere Khan. Mowgli's life is filled with adventure and the chance to find his true place in the jungle. The story has been sensitively abridged and retold to make it suitable for sharing with young children. Detailed full-colour illustrations throughout also help to bring this classic tale to life. ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... One of the most irrepressible and exuberant characters in the history of literature, Tom Sawyer explodes onto the page in a whirl of bad behaviour and incredible adventures. Whether he is heaving clods of earth at his brother, faking a gangrenous toe, or trying to convince the world that he is dead, Tom's infectious energy and good humour shine through. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is Mark Twain's joyful and nostalgic recollection of tall tales from his own boyhood by the Mississippi. It was an instant success on first publication in ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Victoria Assanelli. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird book" edition of "Pinocchio" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic story for young readers. The tale is sensitively retold, following the story of a little wooden puppet who wants to be a real little boy. "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with beautiful pictures of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. Children have always loved, and will always remember, these classic ... |
The Little Prince is a classic tale of equal appeal to children and adults. On one level it is the story of an airman's discovery, in the desert, of a small boy from another planet - The Little Prince of the title - and his stories of intergalactic travel, while on the other hand it is a thought-provoking allegory of the human condition. First published in 1943, the year before the author's death in action, this translation contains Saint-Exupery's delightful illustrations. ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Yunhee Park. ... "Ladybird" has published fairy tales for over forty-five years, bringing the magic of traditional stories to each new generation of children. This classic version of "Hansel and Gretel" is based on the original "Ladybird" retelling by Vera Southgate, with beautiful new illustrations of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. An essential part of any child's bookshelf, "Ladybird Tales" are perfect for sharing together and creating memories to treasure forever. ... |
Най-хубавите любовни истории за изучаване на английски език. ... Холи е разочарована от любовта. Заедно с приятелките си решава никога повече да не загубва ума си по някое момче! Вълнуващи мигове, изпълнени с флиртове и партита, са пред момичето - но ще спазят ли накрая обещанието си? Последвай Холи и нейните приятелки в тази вълнуваща и романтична история! Въведенията на български език и обяснените думи, ще ти помогнат да разбереш английския текст, а упражненията и тестовете ще то доставят наистина удоволствие: въведение на български език към всяка глава; обяснение на думите на всяка страница; азбучен речник; 30 ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Yunhee Park. ... "Ladybird" has published fairy tales for over forty-five years, bringing the magic of traditional stories to each new generation of children. This hardback version of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is based on the original Ladybird retelling by Vera Southgate, with beautiful pictures of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Rather than be "sivilized" by the Widow Douglas, Huckleberry Finn - the grubby but good-natured son of a local drunk - sets off with Jim, an escaped slave, to find freedom on the Mississippi river. With the law on their tail, they navigate a world of robbers, slave hunters and con men, and Huck must choose between what society says is "right" and his own burgeoning understanding of Jim's friendship and humanity. Nostalgic and melancholy in equal measure, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain is a razor-sharp ... |
Двуезично помагало "Disney English Story Book - Advanced" - на български и английски език. ... Ученето на английски език е по-забавно, когато ти помагат героите от "Красавицата и звяра"! Детството е вълшебно време на открития. Децата толкова бързо попиват знания, че сега е точния момент да им разкриете чудесата на чуждия език. Разпалването на въображението е важно, за да поощри детето да се впусне в това двуезично приключение, но все пак книжките, използвани за обучението, трябва да се достатъчно простички, за да подпомогнат развитието на ранните езикови умения. Поредицата включва увлекателни истории, ... |