Learn with words. ... Help children build confidence in language as they boost their creative writing skills. Simple examples show how words are used. Colourful and imaginative illustrations encourage creativity with words. Illustrations by: Maria Herbert-Liew. ... |
Illustrated by Sharif Tarabay. ... "Macbeth: If I do it, then I must do it quickly. But will this murder be enough? will it bring success? Or will more problems follow? No man avoids the judgement that's to come and I'll be judged in this world too." From the Book Shakespeare's Scottish story of magic and murder is one of his darkest works. Macbeth's bloody rise to power is encouraged by his wife, Lady Macbeth. Their ambition leads them into a world of guilt and madness which destroys their marriage - and ends in tragedy. This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and ... |
Illustrated by John Dillow and Peter Harper. ... "I knew that I was hundreds of miles from the places merchant ships went. I was sure that I was going to die on this lonely island, completely alone. When I thought about this the tears ran down my face. I felt sorry that I had been born." From the Book The young Robinson Crusoe ignores his father's advice and decides to become a sailor. But Crusoe is soon caught up in violent storms and finds himself shipwrecked on a remote island. He will have to live on this island for the next twenty-eight years. This book is in British English. Here you can find: ... |
Illustrated by Janos Jantner. ... William Shakespeare's romantic comedy about love and marriage. When four young lovers get lost in the forest, the fairies who live there play jokes on them - turning love into hate and hate into love. A Midsummer Night's Dream is one of Shakespeare's most popular plays and is still performed across the world. This Macmillan Reader is written as a playscript and includes original extracts from a Midsummer Night's Dream. This book is in British English. Here you can find: notes about the life of William Shakespeare; notes about the story; points for understanding ... |
Illustrated by Julia Pearson. ... "Anna opened carriage door and stepped down onto the platform. The wind and snow swirled around her and she took a deep breath of the freezing air. The storm was very powerful now. She took another deep breath and turned to go back into the train. As she turned, she saw Vronsky standing on the platform before her. He bowed to her and said a few words which she could not hear. All the time, he looked at her with the same expression - one of complete love. She was overcome by a feeling of great joy. "I did not know that you were travelling. Why are you coming to Petersburg?" ... |
Illustrated by Kay Dixie. ... "Your mother, Esther, was your disgrace and you are hers." These words were Esther's earliest memory. But who was Esther's mother? What was the disgrace? And why did the ghost walk at Chesney Wold? This book is in British English. Here you can find: points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult vocabulary; list of titles at upper level; free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheet at www.macmillanreaders.com. ... |
Illustrated by Ruth Palmer. ... "Amelia's dowry of ten thousand pounds, her blue eyes and her pretty pink face will bring her a rich husband", Becky Sharp thought. "But I'm alone in the world and must look after myself. I'm must cleverer than her and I've a better figure. I must use my wits to find a husband and a house of my own. One day, I'll have a higher place in society than Amelia, and I'll have done it all myself!" From the Book This book is in British English. Here you can find: notes about the life of William Makepeace Thackeray; points for understanding ... |
Illustrated by Kay Dixie. ... "I am afraid", said Miss Morstan. "What should I do, Mr. Holmes?" Holmes jumped up excitedly. "We shall go tonight to the Lyceum Theatre - the three of us - you and I and Doctor Watson. We'll meet your unknown friend. And we'll try to solve the mystery." From the Book This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercises; points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult vocabulary; free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheet at www.macmillanreaders.com. There are ... |
Тази дипляна се превръща в незаменим помощник при изучаването на английски език за всички, които искат да овладеят на добро ниво езика, както и да избягват често допускани грешки. ... |
Предлаганото издание "Английски пословици и поговорки" е създадено в помощ на изучаващите английски език. В книгата са включени 1000 пословици и поговорки, разкриващи богатството на английската народна мъдрост. Освен оригиналният им превод на български е посочен и аналог (ако има такъв) на българска поговорка или израз с подобно значение и съответствие, което прави сборника изключително ценен за изучаващите английски език. Включените пословици и поговорки са подредени по азбучен ред, следвайки английската азбука. По този начин изданието е с речников и справочен характер, и е подходящо за ученици, студенти и ... |
Изданието включва 300 забавни гатанки на английски език в рими с превод на български език и поместени отговори накрая. Подходяща за деца, изучаващи английски език, както и за всички, които обичат гатанките. Книгата съдържа още: гатанки за училището; гатанки за календара; гатанки за дрехи и други неща; гатанки за частите от тялото; гатанки за роднини; гатанки за природата; гатанки за дървета и растения; гатанки за животни и птици; гатанки за плодове, зеленчуци и различни хранителни продукти; гатанки за думи и букви; пъзели. ... |
Much Ado About Nothing is Shakespeare's famous comedy - drama about the war of power and understanding between men and women and the disguises they wear in their romantic relationships. This book is in British English. Here you can find: carefully controlled information, structure and vocabulary; glossary at the back of the book explains some of the difficult words and phrases; the book has around 1600 basic words for Intermediate - level students; points for Understanding section and Exercises contained within the back of the book; free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheets at http:// ... |