There is a film of this story. ... "– This is wonderful, Professor Challenger! - I said. – You have found a place which no one knows about - a lost world. A world where creatures from the past still live. – But nobody in London believes my story - said the professor. – People say the drawing and the photograph are fakes - they aren't real. – I want to return to the Lost World. Other people must see the Lost World. Then everyone will know it is real!" From the book This book is in British English. Here you can find: a note about the author; a note about the story; the people in this story; points for ... |
Втората част на "Официалния правописен речник на българския език" е посветена изцяло на глагола, наречен от акад. Александър Теодоров-Балан "слонът на българската граматика". Това обособяване се налага, за да може в словника на речника да бъде включен голям обем от активния речников състав на книжовния български език, използван през последните десетилетия. Същевременно отделянето на глаголната лексика в самостоятелен том дава възможност да се представят в пълнота правописните особености на българския глагол. Словникът е подготвен специално за това издание, като обхваща значително повече глаголи и ... |
Illustrated by Janos Jantner. ... William Shakespeare's romantic comedy about love and marriage. When four young lovers get lost in the forest, the fairies who live there play jokes on them - turning love into hate and hate into love. A Midsummer Night's Dream is one of Shakespeare's most popular plays and is still performed across the world. This Macmillan Reader is written as a playscript and includes original extracts from a Midsummer Night's Dream. This book is in British English. Here you can find: notes about the life of William Shakespeare; notes about the story; points for understanding ... |
It is 1845 and Huck has made up his mind to leave the little town of Hannibal. When his violent father holds him captive, Huck knows that he has to leave quickly and secretly. And so Huck begins his journey down the Mississippi River on a log raft, in the company of another runaway - the slave Jim. This book is in British English. Here you can find: carefully controlled information, structure and vocabulary; glossary at the back of the book explains some of the difficult words and phrases; the book has around 1600 basic words for Intermediate level students; points for Understanding section and Exercises contained ... |
Учебното табло The English Phonemics от Учмаг е изработено от винил, има широки вътрешни лайсни от здрав материал и е лесно за сгъване и показване, като предлага отлична видимост, без отражения на светлината. Таблото се предлага в два размера: 50 x 70 cm и 70 x 100 cm. ... |
Испанска граматика с упражнения представя езиковите факти в испанската граматична система по достъпен за читателите начин. За тази цел граматиката е написана на български език. Материалът е разработен с оглед практическото изучаване на езика. Теоретичната част е илюстрирана с много примери, които са дадени и в български превод. За по-пълно усвояване на материала след отделните теоретични въпроси са разработени упражнения. Даден е и ключ към упражненията. Целта на тези упражнения е изучаващите испански език да приложат на практика научените вече правила. Изданието е практически насочено и е предназначено за всички, които ... |
Based on the story of Jules Verne. Text adaptation by Lesley Thompson. ... When ship after ship goes down in the Atlantic, Dr Pierre Aronnax and his servant, Conseil, journey from Paris to learn more. What - or who - is attacking these ships? Aronnax, Conseil, and the Canadian, Ned Land, find the answer to this question when they meet the strange Captain Nemo. Finalist The Language Learner Literature Award 2016. Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on-page glossaries the new edition of ... |
One cold winter morning, a famous movie star and her teenage daughter are driving along a country road... A blue van is waiting for them. Tom is in the van, but he's not a kidnapper - he's an artist. He usually draws pictures for adventure stories. Now he's in a real life adventure. Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on-page glossaries the new edition of the series makes reading motivating for learners. Each reader is carefully graded to ensure each student reads from the ... |
Based on the story of Isaac Asimov. Retold by Rowena Akinyemi. ... A human being is a soft, weak creature. It needs constant supplies of air, water, and food; it has to spend a third of its life asleep, and it can't work if the temperature is too hot or too cold. But a robot is made of strong metal. It uses electrical energy directly, never sleeps, and can work in any temperature. It is stronger, more efficient - and sometimes more human than human beings. Isaac Asimov was one of the greatest sciencefiction writers, and these short stories give us an unforgettable and terrifying vision of the future. Classics, ... |
It is 1866, and there is trouble in the world's oceans. What is the extraordinary thing that people have seen there, travelling faster than a whale and cutting holes in the bottom of the strongest ships? Dr Aronnax joins the search for the monster, hoping for an exciting adventure. But when he meets the mysterious Captain Nemo, his adventure becomes more extraordinary than he had ever imagined, and he discovers a new underwater world, full of wonders, but of strange dangers too... Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading ... |
Based on the story of Arthur Conan Doyle. Retold by Clare West. ... Sherlock Holmes is the greatest detective of them all. He sits in his room, and smokes his pipe. He listens, and watches, and thinks. He listens to the steps coming up the stairs; he watches the door opening - and he knows what question the stranger will ask. In these three of his best stories, Holmes has three visitors to the famous flat in Baker Street - visitors who bring their troubles to the only man in the world who can help them. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms ... |
Based on the story of John Christopher. Retold by Susan Binder. ... In the distant future, Harl and Ellen talk about their work and their lives. Their work as scientists is more important to them than love. Harl plans to leave Earth, on a long journey through space. Ellen plans to stay on Earth, to change the way the human mind works. When Harl returns to Earth, the world will be a very different place. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1 - C1 of the CEFR. Word count: 6.250 ... |