Книгата за учителя подготвя за изпита "First Certificate in English" (FCE) от 2015 г. ... Книгата за учителя съкращава много от времето на преподавателите за подготовка на учебния час и дори търсенето на допълнителни материали. В изданието има подробни насоки за преподаването на учебния материал и поставянето на задачите във всеки урок. Включени са също идеи за още задачи, които учителят може да постави. За лесното организиране на интересен и ефективен учебен час книгата осигурява: информация за основната концепция на учебния курс; подробни насоки за преподаването на учебния материал и поставянето на ... |
The Laser A2 Student's Book contains comprehensive coverage of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, while the CD-ROM reinforces the material learnt with unit-specific exercises. Macmillan Practice Online offers a wealth of extra information and exercises online, while the accompanying eBook provides an electronic version of the Student's Book. This is book for the student with activities for the preparation of Cambridge English exams. Includes access to the digital version of the Student's Book. "Laser" is now a five-level course designed to cater to younger exam students. It is the ... |
Laser A2 Workbook includes material for KET and offers guidance and practice in KET-type exam tasks as well as the usual Laser features - comprehensive vocabulary and grammar coverage, skills development and structured writing guidance. KET-type exams tasks are included in every unit. The Workbook complements the language and grammar that is taught with the Student's Book and comes complete with an Audio key making it an ideal partner for extra practice or homework. The vibrant topic-based units cover the lexical and grammatical syllabus of the Breakthrough to Vantage level of the Council of Europe's Common ... |
The Laser A1+ Student's Book contains comprehensive coverage of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Macmillan Practice Online offers a wealth of extra information and exercises online, while the accompanying eBook provides an electronic version of the Student's Book. This is book for the student with activities for the preparation of Cambridge English exams. Includes access to the digital version of the Student's Book. Laser is now a five-level course designed to cater to younger exam students. It is the perfect preparation for students still at school and working towards school-leaving exams ... |
The Laser A1+ Workbook contains comprehensive coverage of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, while review sections reinforce the material previously learnt. The vibrant topic-based units cover the lexical and grammatical syllabus of the Breakthrough to Vantage level of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework. The course integrates development of all the language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking, and regular revision sections check continuous progress. The Laser A1+ Workbook is available in 2 versions: with answers and without answers. This allows the exam preparation to be ... |
The Laser B1 Student's Book contains comprehensive coverage of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, while the CD-ROM reinforces the material learnt with unit-specific exercises. Macmillan Practice Online offers a wealth of extra information and exercises online, while the accompanying eBook provides an electronic version of the Student's Book. This is book for the student with activities for the preparation of Cambridge English exams. Includes access to the digital version of the Student's Book. "Laser" is now a five-level course designed to cater to younger exam students. It is the ... |
The Laser B1 Workbook contains comprehensive coverage of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, while review sections reinforce the material previously learnt. The Workbook comes complete with an Audio CD making it an ideal partner for extra practice or homework and this version comes with a key. The vibrant topic-based units cover the lexical and grammatical syllabus of the Breakthrough to Vantage level of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework. The course integrates development of all the language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking, and regular revision sections check continuous ... |
Учебната тетрадка подготвя за изпита "First Certificate in English". ... Концентрирана, 50-60 часова подготовка за обновения изпит Cambridge English: First (FCE) от 2015г. Второто издание на Compact First осигурява на учащите задълбочена практическа подготовка за успешно достигане на ниво B2 от Общата европейска езикова рамка. В рамките на 10 урока са покрити петте компонента на теста. Упражненията от работната тетрадка осигуряват допълнителна възможност за практикуване на материала, представен в учебника. Всеки урок от работната тетрадка съдържа четири страници с упражнения, които помагат на учениците да ... |
The Laser B1+ Student's Book contains comprehensive coverage of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, while the CD-ROM reinforces the material learnt with unit-specific exercises. Macmillan Practice Online offers a wealth of extra information and exercises online, while the accompanying eBook provides an electronic version of the Student's Book. This is book for the student with activities for the preparation of Cambridge English exams. Includes access to the digital version of the Student's Book. "Laser" is now a five-level course designed to cater to younger exam students. It is the ... |
The Laser B1+ Workbook contains comprehensive coverage of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, while review sections reinforce the material previously learnt. The Workbook comes complete with an Audio CD making it an ideal partner for extra practice or homework and this version comes with a key. The vibrant topic-based units cover the lexical and grammatical syllabus of the Breakthrough to Vantage level of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework. The course integrates development of all the language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking, and regular revision sections check continuous ... |
Essential exam task practice for class or home study for use alongside a coursebook or intensively before the exam. Focus on essential exam practice with the First Exam Booster for Advanced. Maximise learners' potential with dedicated exam task practice for class or home study. 55 exam tasks practise each part of the exam three times while Exam facts provide practical information about each task. Exam tips provide useful advice on how to approach the exercises and "Get it right" boxes highlight typical candidate errors in the exam. This Exam Booster is suitable for Cambridge English: Advanced. The ... |
Учебникът подготвя за изпита "Key English Test" (KET) от 2020 г. ... Essential exam task practice for class or home study for use alongside a coursebook or intensively before the exam. Focus on essential exam practice for the revised 2020 exams with the Exam Booster for A2 Key and A2 Key for Schools. Maximise learners' potential with dedicated exam task practice for class or home study. 48 exam tasks practise each part of the exam three times while exam facts provide practical information. Exam tips provide useful advice on how to approach the exercises and 'Get it right' boxes highlight typical ... |