Wilde's only novel, first published in 1890, is a brilliantly designed puzzle, intended to tease conventional minds with its exploration of the myriad interrelationships between art, life, and consequence. From its provocative Preface, challenging the reader to believe in 'art for art's sake', to its sensational conclusion, the story self-consciously experiments with the notion of sin as an element of design. Yet Wilde himself underestimated the consequences of his experiment, and its capacity to outrage the Victorian establishment. Its words returned to haunt him in his court appearances in 1895, and he ... |
Dickens wrote of David Copperfield: "Of all my books I like this the best". Millions of readers in almost every language on earth have subsequently come to share the author's own enthusiasm for this greatly loved classic, possibly because of its autobiographical form. Following the life of David through many sufferings and great adversity, the reader will also find many light-hearted moments in the company of a host of English fiction's greatest stars including Mr Micawber, Traddles, Uriah Heep, Creakle, Betsy Trotwood, and the Peggoty family. Few readers, arriving at the end of David Copperfield, will ... |
This selection of a hundred of O. Henry's succinct tales displays the range, humour and humanity of a perennially popular short-story writer. Here Henry gives a richly colourful and exuberantly entertaining panorama of social life, ranging from thieves to tycoons, from the streets of New York to the prairies of Texas. These stories are famed for their "trick endings" or "twists in the tail": repeatedly the plot twirls adroitly, compounding ironies. Indeed, O. Henry's cunning plots surpass those of the ingenious rogues he creates. His style is genial, lively and witty, displaying a virtuoso ... |
Begun when the author was only eighteen and conceived from a nightmare, Frankenstein is the deeply disturbing story of a monstrous creation which has terrified and chilled readers since its first publication in 1818. The novel has thus seared its way into the popular imagination while establishing itself as one of the pioneering works of modern science fiction. ... |
Двустранна ламинирана таблица. ... |
Съдържанието на учебната система, е съобразено с учебната програма за 11. и 12. клас с интензивно изучаване по английски език. С нея можете да се подготвите за матура и сертификатни изпити и е специално разработена за по-големи групи и класове в държавните и общинските училища. Съдържа богат набор от помощни и допълнителни материали за учителите и учениците. Учебната тетрадка не съдържа отговори и е подходяща за работа с преподавател. Учебната тетрадка съдържа аудио CD. Учебната система Laser B2.1 - Third Edition се състои от: учебник + CD учебна тетрадка + CD Изброените компоненти от учебната система се ... |
Jane Austen teased readers with the idea of a "heroine whom no one but myself will much like", but Emma is irresistible. "Handsome, clever, and rich", Emma is also an "imaginist", "on fire with speculation and foresight". She sees the signs of romance all around her, but thinks she will never be married. Her matchmaking maps out relationships that Jane Austen ironically tweaks into a clearer perspective. Judgement and imagination are matched in games the reader too can enjoy, and the end is a triumph of understanding. ... |
Set in Hardy's Wessex, Tess is a moving novel of hypocrisy and double standards. Its challenging sub-title, A Pure Woman, infuriated critics when the book was first published in 1891, and it was condemned as immoral and pessimistic. It tells of Tess Durbeyfield, the daughter of a poor and dissipated villager, who learns that she may be descended from the ancient family of d'Urbeville. In her search for respectability her fortunes fluctuate wildly, and the story assumes the proportions of a Greek tragedy. It explores Tess's relationships with two very different men, her struggle against the social mores of ... |
A reference and practice grammar for elementary to intermediate students. ... Grammar Tour предлага пътуване из основната английска граматика, като извежда учащите от ниво начинаещи до нивото, необходимо за успешното явяване на изпита по общ английски Предварителен тест (РЕТ) на университета Кеймбридж (нива от А1 до В1+ на Общата европейска езикова рамка на Съвета на Европа за степен на владеене на чужд език). Всяка част на настоящата граматика съдържа ясно обяснени и добре онагледени граматически структури, представени в теоретичната част, след която следва богато разнообразие от различни видове упражнения. Grammar Tour ... |
Generally considered to be F. Scott Fitzgerald's finest novel, The Great Gatsby is a consummate summary of the "roaring twenties", and a devastating expose of the "Jazz Age". Through the narration of Nick Carraway, the reader is taken into the superficially glittering world of the mansions which lined the Long Island shore in the 1920s, to encounter Nick's cousin Daisy, her brash but wealthy husband Tom Buchanan, Jay Gatsby and the mystery that surrounds him. The Great Gatsby is an undisputed classic of American literature from the period following the First World War and is one of the great ... |
Учебното помагало е одобрено със заповед № РД 09-586 от 14.08.2002 г. на министъра на образованието и науката. Настоящото издание е съвместимо с учебната програма за 2024/2025 г. Ако имате нужда от подвързия за различни формати учебници, тетрадки и учебни помагала, посетете нашата специална секция Подвързии. ... |
Ivan Iltchev (ne en 1953) est professeur d’Histoire des peoples balkaniques a l’Universite Saint-Clement d’Ohrid de Sofia. Il a tenu des cycles de conferences a l’invitation des universities d’Ohio et Maryland (Etats-Unis) et de Chiba (Japon). Auteur des monographies: Histoire des relations internationales dans les Balkans aux XIXe et XXe s., Histoire de la propagande etrangere et Histoire de la publicite, entre autres. Ce livre n’est pas une oeuvre academique. Son objectif est de presenter au grand public une version contemporaine de l’histoire des terres bulgares, a la lumiere des recentes analyses et reflexions d’ ... |