Will your past always catch up with you? ... Tessa Dannall is excited and happy when her daughter, Nia, arrives at their family's tropical beach resort to get married. Tessa is also trying to forget the last time she went to a wedding on this beach and how that day changed her life for ever. But as the big day draws near, Tessa realises she must face the deadly ghosts from her past - or they may ruin her daughter's future. "Terrifically addictive" Good Housekeeping "Beautifully written" Closer "Koomson just gets better and better" Woman and Home ... |
Pride and Prejudice, which opens with one of the most famous sentences in English Literature, is an ironic novel of manners. In it the garrulous and empty-headed Mrs Bennet has only one aim - that of finding a good match for each of her five daughters. In this she is mocked by her cynical and indolent husband. With its wit, its social precision and, above all, its irresistible heroine, Pride and Prejudice has proved one of the most enduringly popular novels in the English language. ... |
"My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know." ... "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" first introduced Arthur Conan Doyle's brilliant detective to the readers Strand Magazine. The runaway success of this series promoted a second set of stories, "The Memoirs". In these twenty three tales, collected here in one volume, you have some of the best detective yarns ever penned. In his consulting room at 221B Baker Street, the master sleuth receives a stream of clients all presenting him with baffling and bizarre mysteries to unravel. There is, for ... |
The story of Edmund Dantes, self-styled Count of Monte Cristo, is told with consummate skill. The victim of a miscarriage of justice, Dantes is fired by a desire for retribution and empowered by a stroke of providence. In his campaign of vengeance, he becomes an anonymous agent of fate. The sensational narrative of intrigue, betrayal, escape, and triumphant revenge moves at a cracking pace. Dumas' novel presents a powerful conflict between good and evil embodied in an epic saga of rich diversity that is complicated by the hero's ultimate discomfort with the hubristic implication of his own actions. Our edition ... |
Begun when the author was only eighteen and conceived from a nightmare, Frankenstein is the deeply disturbing story of a monstrous creation which has terrified and chilled readers since its first publication in 1818. The novel has thus seared its way into the popular imagination while establishing itself as one of the pioneering works of modern science fiction. ... |
Английско-българският учебен речник на издателство "Паспорт" и издателство "Колибри" има за цел да задоволи нуждите на българите, изучаващи английски език, и да служи на онези, които владеят езика до средно ниво. Дидактическият подход отрежда на майчиния език активна роля в учебния процес и по този начин изучаващите езика не само овладяват съвременния английски на добро комуникационно равнище, но и заздравяват корените си в родния български език. Основното ядро на речника съдържа над 12 000 английски езикови единици, в това число най-съвременни понятия в областта на комуникациите, образованието, ... |
Настоящата книга съдържа: адаптирана версия на приказките "Nightingale and the Rose", "The Happy Prince", "The Selfish Giant", "The Devoted Friend", "The Remarkable Rocket" и "The Birthday of the Infanta" от Оскар Уайлд на английски език; превод на по-сложни думи и изрази; шест теста, подходящи за всички, владеещи английски език на средно ниво (B1); ключ с отговорите на тестовете. Поредицата "Language Trainer" е предназначена да помага на учащите да усъвършенстват познанията си по английски език, като: развиват своите умения за четене с ... |
Разговорникът е структуриран в две части: обща и специална. Общата част съдържа встъпителни указания за произношението, някои основни граматически правила и най-необходимите думи за изграждане на елементарна лексика (основни части на речта, основни понятия за времето и др.). Специалната част обхваща конкретни теми от най-разнообразно естество, свързани със специфични ситуации в ежедневието. Всяка отделна тема включва въпросите и отговорите, които най-место биват задавани и получавани, като започва с най-често употребяваните думи и завършва с примерни диалози. ... |
Двуезични разкази на немски и български език. ... Тази книга на издателство "Веси" е предназначена за читатели, които са начинаещи в обучението си по немски език. Оригиналният текст е съпътстван паралелно с превод на български език. Текстът е максимално приближен до немския с цел по-добър паралел между двата езика и по-точно усвояване. Намерени са български аналози и за най-труднопреводимите думи и изрази. По-специфичната лексика, която би затруднила читателите, е издадена в обяснителни бележки в края на книгата. ... |
Dickens wrote of David Copperfield: "Of all my books I like this the best". Millions of readers in almost every language on earth have subsequently come to share the author's own enthusiasm for this greatly loved classic, possibly because of its autobiographical form. Following the life of David through many sufferings and great adversity, the reader will also find many light-hearted moments in the company of a host of English fiction's greatest stars including Mr Micawber, Traddles, Uriah Heep, Creakle, Betsy Trotwood, and the Peggoty family. Few readers, arriving at the end of David Copperfield, will ... |
This selection of a hundred of O. Henry's succinct tales displays the range, humour and humanity of a perennially popular short-story writer. Here Henry gives a richly colourful and exuberantly entertaining panorama of social life, ranging from thieves to tycoons, from the streets of New York to the prairies of Texas. These stories are famed for their "trick endings" or "twists in the tail": repeatedly the plot twirls adroitly, compounding ironies. Indeed, O. Henry's cunning plots surpass those of the ingenious rogues he creates. His style is genial, lively and witty, displaying a virtuoso ... |
Tender is the Night is a story set in the hedonistic high society of Europe during the ‘Roaring Twenties’. A wealthy schizophrenic, Nicole Warren, falls in love with Dick Diver - her psychiatrist. The resulting saga of the Divers’ troubled marriage, and their circle of friends, includes a cast of aristocratic and beautiful people, unhappy love affairs, a duel, incest, and the problems inherent in the possession of great wealth. Despite cataloguing a maelstrom of interpersonal conflict, Tender is the Night has a poignancy and warmth that springs from the quality of Fitzgerald's writing and the tragic personal ... |