62 units of vocabulary reference and practice. Self-study and classroom use. ... Поредицата с две части разглежда най-трудната област от лексиката - идиомите и употребата им в английския език. Представени са над 1000 от най-популярните и често използвани идиоми, с които учащите често се сблъскват, в типичен контекст. ... |
По успешният метод на Джон Питър Слоан. Курсът е за всички, които си мислят, че никога няма да научат немски! Революция в обучението. Над 1 милион продажби! ... Метод, който работи: Разбираемите, логични и забавни обяснения ще Ви помогнат да усвоите граматичните правила в немския език. По-ефективно учене: Новите думи и граматични правила са представени на малки порции. Така от самото начало усвоявате полезни изрази, които да използвате правилно. Лесно разбиране: С хумор и логика ще разберете как функционира немският език и ще се убедите, че не е толкова труден, колкото смятате. След като години наред е работил ... |
Este curso para adolescentes a partir de 11 años, adaptado al ámbito escolar, propone un primer contacto con la lengua española de forma activa y ágil. Se compone de 6 unidades (de tres lecciones cada una). Cada unidad incluye, además, tres secciones específicas: vivir en sociedad: diferentes temas para fomentar un aprendizaje en valores; area de: espacio interdisciplinar que permite relacionar los contenidos de la clase de español con otras asignaturas; magacín: una revista para descubrir distintos aspectos culturales de España e Hispanoamérica. Учебната система ... |
Ернан, потомък на испански изгнаници в Мексико, решава да посети страната, която е посрещнала прадядо му в края на Гражданската война в Испания. Срещата му с Малинче, Катрина и Чавела се очертава да бъде красиво приключение. Книгата от поредицата "America Latina" съдържа множество културни, политически, географски и гастрономически коментари, както и дейности за упражнение. Mp3 файловете за изтегляне съдържат разказа на романа, идеален за практикуване на слушане с разбиране и за запознаване с испанския език, характерен за Мексико. ... |
Трето издание. ... Ако не сте учили италиански или се нуждаете от задълбочаване на вашите познания, този учебник ви дава възможност да го направите. Той обхваща четирите основни умения - слушане и говорене, четене и писане. Достъпните и ясни обяснения са съчетани с разнообразни упражнения за практикуване на наученото. Курсът е едновременно ефективен и приятен, а работейки сами, вие избирате приоритетите в зависимост от вашите нужди. В предговора е изложена подробно структурата на учебника, както и указания за ползването му. Учебникът е с включени отговори и е подходящ за самостоятелна подготовка. Система за обучение ... |
From the international bestselling author of Physics of the Impossible and Physics of the Future. This is the story of a quest: to find a Theory of Everything. Einstein dedicated his life to seeking this elusive Holy Grail, a single, revolutionary god equation which would tie all the forces in the universe together, yet never found it. Some of the greatest minds in physics took up the search, from Stephen Hawking to Brian Greene. None have yet succeeded. In The God Equation, renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku takes the reader on a mind-bending ride through the twists and turns of this epic journey: a ... |
After the young Roman mosaic designer Felix starts work in Pompeii, his whole life changes. There he falls in love with the beautiful Greek slave Agathe, who can see into the future. When the volcano Vesuvius sends hot ash over the city, Felix - and Agathe's brother Alcander - ride to the port of Misenum for help. But will they reach admiral Gaius Plinius in time, and will they ever see Agathe alive again? Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on-page glossaries the new edition of the ... |
Based on the story of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text adaptation by Jeremy Page. ... Miss Mary Morstan has a strange story to tell. Since her father disappeared, she has received a large pearl through the post on the same day, every year, for six years. Who is sending them? And what about her father's paper with the words 'The Sign of Four' written on it? Sherlock Holmes alone can solve these mysteries. Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on-page glossaries the new edition of ... |
Based on the story of Wilkie Collins. Text adaptation by Merinda Wilson. ... The Moonstone is a beautiful yellow diamond that was stolen from the statue of a Moon god in India. When Franklin Blake brings it to Rachel Verinder's house in Yorkshire for her birthday, it brings bad luck with it. How many people will the Moonstone hurt? How many must die before the diamond's revenge is complete? Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on-page glossaries the new edition of the series ... |
Based on the story of Gerald Durrell. Text adaptation by Bill Bowler. ... The weather in England that summer had been so awful that Gerald's mother sold the family house and took her children to live on the Mediterranean island of Corfu. Between lessons, the ten-year-old Gerald was free to walk round the sunny island and discover the wonderful people and animals living there. This is the story of Gerald's adventures with the fascinating animals of Corfu, and, of course, with his surprising family and their friends. Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading ... |
Based on the story of Charles Dickens. Text adaptation by Susan Kingsley. ... Thomas Gradgrind believes that facts and money are more important than feelings and imagination. After Sissy Jupe - a circus child - is left alone in the world, Gradgrind takes her into his house, looking after her and teaching her facts with his own children Tom and Louisa. Some years later the Gradgrind family meets hard times. Louisa becomes a prisoner in a loveless marriage, and Tom has problems at work. In the end, Thomas Gradgrind learns the importance of feelings and imagination. Listen along with downloadable MP3 audio. Dominoes is ... |
Selected by Bill Bowler. ... A Tall Tale is a story that's hard to believe, and the five tall tales in this book all tell of ghosts. Some have dark secrets buried in the past, others bring messages for the living. Some are laughable, some are sad, and some are just evil. Sometimes there's a logical explanation for the strangest happenings, but often things cannot be explained by logic alone. Either way, you're sure to find some frightening reading between the covers of this book. Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their ... |