Workshops for Professional Development. ... Помагалото с готови семинари за обучение на учители цели да предложи перфектно планирани и структурирани сесии със съпътстващи работни листове за фотокопиране. Сесиите обогатяват знанията на обучаващи и учители относно три ключови аспекта: методология, език и теория и ги насърчават да разсъждават върху предишните си познания и опит. Семинарите са подходящи за обучение на работното място и за учители, посещаващи курсовете "B.Ed" и "PGCE". Те са идеални и за подготовка за награди като "CELTA", "DELTA", "Trinity CertTESOL" и " ... |
Учащите могат да се подготвят за писмения компонент от изпита "Zertifikat Deutsch" с помощта на специално разработената книжка за четене. ... |
Testbuilder for the TOEIC tests from the popular series of "Tests that teach" is designed to improve test performance and increase language competence for success in the TOEIC Listening and Reading test and the Speaking and Writing tests. Three practice tests full range of TOEIC test question types TOEIC test strategies section Further Practice and Guidance pages Include question-specific exercises to develop test techniques Focus on common problem areas in each test Build confidence in all test question types Focus on Speaking and Writing subskills Answer key Complete answer key with useful explanations Model ... |
Building the next business generation. The Business 2.0 provides university students who are preparing for future employment with the language and business skills they need to succeed in a competitive international environment. Based on extensive user feedback, research into Business English studies and the evolving needs of employers, the course builds on the success of the original edition and offers students the confidence, language and skills to thrive in an international work environment. There is a strong focus on the "intangible" business skills - emotional intelligence and interpersonal abilities. So ... |
Building the next business generation. The Business 2.0 provides university students who are preparing for future employment with the language and business skills they need to succeed in a competitive international environment. Based on extensive user feedback, research into Business English studies and the evolving needs of employers, the course builds on the success of the original edition and offers students the confidence, language and skills to thrive in an international work environment. There is a strong focus on the "intangible" business skills - emotional intelligence and interpersonal abilities. So ... |
Building the next business generation. The Business 2.0 provides university students who are preparing for future employment with the language and business skills they need to succeed in a competitive international environment. Based on extensive user feedback, research into Business English studies and the evolving needs of employers, the course builds on the success of the original edition and offers students the confidence, language and skills to thrive in an international work environment. There is a strong focus on the "intangible" business skills - emotional intelligence and interpersonal abilities. So ... |
This is the second, in a two-level series of business vocabulary and practice books. It is a self study/classroom book & CD pack. The first half of the book is devoted to business vocabulary and practice, the second half to skills work. The audio CD features interviews with real business people and has accompanying exercises in the book. The business vocabulary builders are intended as companions to the two business grammar builders by the same author. ... |
An Introduction to the Sound of English. This edition of a highly successful pronunciation text covers all of the speech sounds of North American English, as well as spelling, intonation, and stress. Pronunciation Pairs offers a variety of exercises and activities, from very controlled minimal pair and listening discrimination tasks to dialogs, games, puzzles, and guided conversations. The Pronunciation Pairs, Second Edition, Student's Book has updated dialogs, which include current and useful vocabulary. Hundreds of simple, clear illustrations help students understand the dialogs and vocabulary. An audio CD with ... |
Academic Vocabulary in Use Second Edition is the perfect study aid for anyone using English for their academic work. Ideal for students of any discipline, this second edition has been updated to reflect changes in education, technology and communications, includes a selection of new reading passages, and is now in full colour. 50 easy-to-use, two-page units give clear explanations of new vocabulary, along with a variety of practice exercises. A comprehensive answer key, and phonemic transcriptions to help with pronunciation, make it perfect for self-study as well as for use in the classroom. This book is designed for ... |
The Student's Workbook provides extension practice for each lesson in the student book and includes access to the Cambridge Learning Management platform with extra practice activities and games. Учебната система Uncover - ниво 2 се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |
Uncover a whole new world! Captivating Discovery Education video and stimulating global topics engage teenage learners and spark their curiosity. Developed in partnership with Discovery Education, Uncover combines captivating video and stimulating global topics to motivate students and spark their curiosity, fostering more meaningful learning experiences. Up to four videos in every unit make learning relevant and create opportunities for deeper understanding. Guided, step-by-step activities and personalized learning tasks lead to greater speaking and writing fluency. Complete digital support, including extra online ... |
Учебната система "Skills for Success" се фокусира върху обучение с преподаване на умения, които са от съществено значение за ученици от професионални или колежни среди. Специализирана и интерактивна, системата набляга над развитието на езиковите умения чрез съвместни техники за обучение. Учебната система по английски език "Skills for Success" се състои от: учебник ръководство за учителя Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |