Illustrator: Claudia Ranucci. ... "Just So Stories: How the Whale got his Throat" picture book is a fantastically illustrated, simple retelling of this classic story for children aged 3+. It's a fantastic large format picture book, with beautiful illustrations by Claudia Ranucci to bring magical events to life in kids' imaginations. Children will love the story of how a greedy whale was forced to change his ways by a clever sailor. "Just So Stories: How the Whale got his Throat": Perfect for bedtime reading with parents; Delightful, full-page artwork full of detail and charm; The story has ... |
Illustrator: Marcela Calderon. ... "My Fairytale Time: The Three Billy Goats Gruff" picture book is a charmingly illustrated, simple retelling of this classic story for children aged 3+. It's a fantastic picture book, with stunning illustrations to bring wonderful events to life in kids' imaginations. Children will love the story of how three goats who try to cross a bridge that has a cunning troll living underneath. Brightly coloured illustrations and clear text encourage children learning to read and appeal to kids who enjoy story time. "My Fairytale Time: The Three Billy Goats Gruff": ... |
Compiled by Vic Parker. ... "Magical Stories" is an enchanting anthology that will whisk young readers aged 6+ into imaginary worlds of curious characters, fantastical creatures and spellbinding events. The book includes tales spanning several centuries from renowned authors such as Rudyard Kipling, E. Nesbit, Lewis Carroll, Joseph Jacobs and Andrew Lang. The stories weave a rich and colourful tapestry of magic and fantasy, and are brought to life by captivating illustrations. "Magical Stories": Enchanting illustrations by renowned artists; Contains short stories and extracts; Five clear ... |
Illustrator: Louise Ellis. ... "Princess Time: The Little Mermaid" picture book is a charmingly illustrated, simple retelling of this classic story for children aged 3+. It's a fantastic large format picture book, with delightful illustrations by Louise Ellis to bring wonderful events to life in kids' imaginations. Children will love the story of how a young mermaid falls in love with a prince after she saves his life. The book: Perfect for bedtime reading with parents; Delightful, full-page artwork full of detail and charm; The story has been simply retold for capture the imagination of young ... |
Illustrator: Daron Parton. ... "Just So Stories: How the Rhinoceros got his Skin" picture book is a charmingly illustrated, simple retelling of this classic story for children aged 3+. This is a fantastic large format picture book, with stunning illustrations by Daron Parton to bring wonderful events to life in kids' imaginations. Children will love the story of how a greedy rhino gets taught a lesson he will never forget after he eats all the cake. "Just So Stories: How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin": perfect for bedtime reading with parents; delightful, full-page artwork full of detail and ... |
Уча и играя - животни и дейност. ... Ученето на английски език чрез приказки и игри ще събуди интереса на децата към образователния процес, подготвяйки ги за училище. Поредицата Activity Books на Disney English съчетава изучаването на английски език и развитието на детския интелект чрез занимателни дейности с любими герои - Мечо Пух и неговите приятели. Тази поредица ще подобри не само английския на децата, но и техните способности за наблюдение и разсъждение. Всяка книга има шест части, които обхващат общи теми, като тяхната сложност постепенно нараства. След края на всяка дейност децата могат да поличат символично ... |
Рисувателна книжка. ... Ада Митрани завършва Художествената Академия през 1979 г., специалност илюстрация и оформление на книгата. Тя бързо става търсен илюстратор на детски книжки и на поезия за деца и за възрастни. Нейни илюстрации печелият награди на международни конкурси и биеналета. Паралелно с това, Ада се установява като един от най-известните графици на 80-те години в България. Нейни литографии и офорти печелят множество награди на конкурси и биеналета. През 1986 г. тя се изселва в Америка, където живее до този момент. В Америка, тя продължава да рисува - става илюстратор на седмичен вестник в Минеаполис, ... |
The Flash Reading Scheme provides a stimulating yet structured approach to developing reading skills. The carefully graded vocabulary throughout its five reading levels enables children to learn keywords whilst enjoying exciting, fun-filled stories. The amusing characters and their adventures with the magic camera have been specially created to capture the imaginations of the young in both familiar and unusual settings. Each illustration has been designed to encourage discussion and interaction, and playful Tiger can be found hiding amongst the pages of every story. Level Two of the Flash Reading Scheme helps your child ... |
Selection: Чавдар Атанасов. ... The fun continues! New and even funnier jokes with more amazing illustrations! More laughter and a new reason for your children to pick up and read a book! The jokes are approved by a child psychologist. Read more about the function of humor in the introduction. The first part of the booklet is in a larger font, suitable for beginners in reading. After the middle, the font gradually decreases after children have mastered the skill of independent reading. The book is part of the Jokes for Kids series by Vision Books. ... |
Поредицата се състои от книжки с упражнения за децата, на които им предстои да тръгнат на училище. ... |
Поредицата се състои от книжки с упражнения за децата, на които им предстои да тръгнат на училище. ... |
Учебни карти на английски език с красиви и висококачествени илюстрации, с които децата ще обогатят речника си и говорните си умения. Комплектът съдържа: 32 карти с размер 12.7 x 18.7 cm упътване за родители и учители ... |