Вътрешни органи. За студенти по медицина и биология. ... |
За специалности Биология, Екология и Опазване на околната среда и Биотехнологии. ... Протоколната тетрадка е предназначена за практическите упражнения по физиология на животните и човека за студентите от специалности Биология, Екология и Опазване на околната среда и Биотехнологии. ... |
Ръководството за упражнения по вирусология е написано в съответствие с програмата за обучение на всички специалности на Биологическия факултет, изучаващи дисциплината. Подходящо е и за студенти по медицина и фармация. То е тематично насочено към тази част от вирусологията, изучаваща вируси, които имат отношение към човешката и животинската патология. Ръководството има за цел да запознае студентите с моделите за култивиране на вируси (клетъчни култури, лабораторни животни и кокоши ембриони) и с начина на заразяването им в лабораторни условия, методите за количествено определяне на инфекциозни вириони (вирусен титър), ... |
The handbook, intended for Medical students, consists of 21 chapters. There are descriptions of basic terms and processes in the field of medical microbiology such as infections, causes of infections, bacteria, microbes, disinfections, sterilizations, as well as diagnostics and methods of microbiological researches of infections in the different systems of the human organism. The text is accompanied by tables and figures. ... |
The present textbook is intended for the students with a Master's educational qualification degree and doctoral students. It introduces the basic morphological knowledge about the human body and human anatomy, which is necessary for the completeness of their education. The intent of this textbook is not to teach clinical practice, but to guide you in learning and appreciating the anatomy of the human body, the anatomical language and principles that will be needed in your medical career. The textbook helps to make anatomy rational, interesting and directly applicable to the clinical problems encountered in medicine ... |
Textbook for Medical and Dental Students from the English Educational Program. The up-to-date content of this textbook will provide the students with the opportunity to inform themselves and learn all clinical and theoretical facts needed in their practical and theoretical training. Topographic anatomy considers different topographic regions from an anatomical point of view. It also discusses the function of the organs and the diseases connected with each topographic anatomical part. This way the students will have the opportunity to learn about anatomy, physiology, function and the most common diseases connected with ... |
Fourth Revised Edition for the Entrance Tests at Medical University of Varna. ... A Handbook of Biology and Chemistry Test Items is specifically intended for applicants, interested in the programmes of Medicine and Dental Medicine taught in English language at MU-Varna. It is an essential tool for proper preparation for the entrance tests in Biology and Chemistry. In the Handbook you will find examination questions in two parts - Chemistry and Biology. Each part contains 5 sections (Multiple Choice Questions, Gap-Filling Questions, Matching Questions, True / False Questions and Definitions and Explanations). The keys ... |