Don't laugh. He's dangerous. ... Fidge is having a bad week. She's been flung into a bizarre world alongside three companions: two are deeply weird and the third is her awful cousin Graham. She has to solve a series of nearly impossible clues, defeat a dictator who can't pronounce the letter "r" and deal with three thousand Wimbley Woos (yes, you read that sentence correctly). And the whole situation - the whole entire thing - is her fault. "What a book." Katherine Rundell "A classic in the making." The Times "A Riotously Funny Adventure Tale." Observer ... |
From the winner of the Costa Children's Book Award. ... A welcome return to Ghastly-Gorm Hall and the irresisteble Ada Goth' Bookseller. Preparations are under way for the Full-Moon Fete and the Great Ghastly-Gorm Bake off. Celebrity cooks are arriving at the hall for the big event and, true to form, Maltravers, the indoor gamekeeper, is acting suspiciously. Elsewhere at Ghastly-Gorm Ada's wardrobe-dwelling lady's maid Marylebone has received a marriage proposal. Ada vows to aid the course of true love and find out what Maltravers is up to but, amidst all this activity, everyone, including her father, ... |
Retold by Joan Cameron, illustrated by Sean Hayden. ... An abridget retelling of the classic story by Alexandre Dumas, suitable for younger readers. D'Artagnan travels to Paris to become a Musketeer and quickly finds himself caught up in high adventure and intrigue at the royal court. With his new-found friends, Athos, Porthos and aramis, D'Artagnan risks his life in the service of the queen. Beautiful new illustrations throughout and a gorgeous larger format with ribbon marker bring the magic of this classic story to a new generation of children. ... |
Волшебные сказки. ... Попав в удивительный мир сказок, ты найдешь в нем фантастических героев. На страничках этой книги ты можешь помечтать вместе с ними и насладиться прекрасными иллюстрациями. ... |
Волшебные сказки. ... Тебе известны истории про Золушку, Белоснежку, Русалочку и двенадцать принцесс, которые танцевали всю ночь? А про Голубую фею, фею Динь-динь и добрую Крестную фею с волшебной палочкой? Эта книжка с прекрасными иллюстрациями отведет тебя в волшебный мир самых красивых фей и принцесс. ... |
"Treasure Island" is a tale of pirates and villains, maps, treasure and shipwreck. When young Jim Hawkins finds a packet in Captain Flint's sea chest, he could not know that the map inside it would lead him to unimaginable treasure. Shipping as cabin boy on the Hispaniola, he sails with Squire Trelawney, Captain Smollett, Dr. Livesey, the sinister Long John Silver and a frightening crew to "Treasure Island". There, mutiny, murder and mayhem lead to a thrilling climax. ... |
Zeitlos, rührend, zauberhaft - mit ungeheurem Einfallsreichtum und feinem erzählerischen Gespür hat der dänische Märchendichter Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) sich in die Herzen eines weltweiten Millionenpublikums geschrieben. Dieser Band präsentiert eine Auswahl seiner schönsten Märchen: Neben der berühmten "Prinzessin auf der Erbse" finden sich neun weitere Geschichten um bekannte Figuren, wobei "Däumelinchen" und "Die kleine Seejungfrau" ebenso wenig fehlen wie "Der standhafte Zinnsoldat" und "Das hässliche ... |
Gemeinsam mit seinen hypochondrischen Freunden George und Harris und einem reichlich nervösen Terrier namens Montmorency geht der nicht minder hypochondrische Ich-Erzähler J. auf große Fahrt: Eine Bootstour führt das seltsame Quartett themseaufwärts über Kingston bis nach Oxford. Doch schon die ersten Bewährungsproben in Mutters freier Natur stellen die Männer samt Hund vor unlösbare Aufgaben und bald jagt eine urkomische Episode die nächste. ... |
Fantastisch, bezaubernd und voller Humor - der Reiz der Geschichten von Lewis Carrolls "Alice im Wunderland" ist auch mehr als 140 Jahre nach ihrem ersten Erscheinen ungebrochen. Noch heute folgen Millionen von Lesern jedweden Alters der kleinen Alice auf ihrer traumverlorenen Reise und tauchen ein in eine Märchenwelt voller wunderbar schräger Figuren. Carrolls sprühender Witz, sein Einfallsreichtum und seine Lust am literarischen Spiel sind legendär und sichern seiner "Alice" einen Platz in den Annalen der Weltliteratur. Diese Ausgabe enthält die berühmten ... |
In Easy-to-Read Type. ... Chafed by the "sivilized" restrictions of his foster home, and weary of his drunkard father's brutality, Huck Finn fakes his own death and sets off on a raft down the Mississippi River. He is soon joined by Jim, an escaped slave. Together, they experience a series of rollicking adventures that have amused readers, young and old, for over a century. The fugitives become close friends as they weather storms together aboard the raft and spend idyllic days swimming, frying catfish suppers, and enjoying their independence. Their peaceful existence comes to an abrupt end, however, with ... |
Най-хубавите любовни истории за изучаване на английски език ... Нина се премества със своите родители в Англия. Още на първия учебен ден тя се запознава с Иви, която я поканва на къмпинг. Това е началото на едно изпълнено с изненади лято... Изучаване на английски, специално за Girls: Последвай Нина и нейните приятелки в тази вълнуваща и романтична история! Въведенията на български език и обяснените думи, ще ти помогнат да разбереш английския текст, а упражненията и тестовете ще ти доставят наистина удоволствие! въведение на български език към всяка глава обяснение на думите на всяка страница азбучен речник 30 ... |