Книга 8 от поредицата "Bulgarian Academic Monographs". ... Reconstructing the head by the skull is based on certain established correlations between the thickness of the soft tissues, the shapes, dimensions and structures of the parts of the face, on the one hand, and the anatomic peculiarities of the bones of the skull and the relief of their surface, on the other. ... |
Книга 7 от поредицата "Bulgarian Academic Monographs". ... This book is the second edition of a book with the same title, but in Bulgarian, published in 1963. Nikola Obrechkoff (1896 – 1963) was a world renowned specialist in the field of the geometry of polynomials. To him are due outstanding generalizations of the Descartes rule, Budan – Fourier theorem, and of several Laguerre’s theorems. In his last publication On some algebraic covariants and the zeros of polynomials he proposed a very promising new approach to the classicial item of the localization of the zeros of polynomials. Unfortunately, this ... |
Книга 6 от поредицата "Bulgarian Academic Monographs". ... Die Antimetabolitforschung gehrt zu den wichtigsten interdisciplindren Bereichen der Biowissenschaften. Mit der vorliegenden Monographie wird ein berblick uber den gegenwdrtigen Kentnisstand sowie uber die Anwendungsm glichkeiten von Antimetaboliten in Wissenschaft und Praxis gegeben. Nachdem im Allgemeinen Teil die gezielte Synthese von Antimetaboliten, das Methodenspektrum zum Nachweis ihrer Effekte, die biochemischen Wirkungsmechanismen sowie Abbau und Entgiftung dieser Substanzen er rtert worden sind, werden im Speziellen Teil die Hauptgruppen ... |
Книга 4 от поредицата "Bulgarian Academic Monographs". ... The book presents in general development of Bulgarian Church woodcarving from the earliest preserved models until the end of the 19th century. The presentation follows the main routes of development of this original art, with emphasis laid upon the symbolism of the included patterns. During the Revival period this symbolism is a synthesis between Christian and Pre-Christian patterns, preserved in the folklore thinking. The book presents the Revival period not only as an ascending period but also as a period of recesses and returns kept up by the folklore. ... |
Книга 3 от поредицата "Bulgarian Academic Monographs". ... Wissenschaftstheoretiker, gesellschaftlich engagierter Forscher und faszinierende Persönlichkeit. Zu jeder dieser Facetten werden neue Zugangswege eröffnet. Es wird eine ganzheitliche Darstellung des forscherischen Prozesses der Fragestellung und Lösung des Problems der Deutung der Äquivalenz von Masse und Energie angeboten. Einsteins philosophische Ansichten werden systematisch dargelegt und deren Bedeutung für die moderne Physik und Wissenschaftstheorie wird betont. Ausserdem werden Einsteins Auffassung von den physikalischen ... |
Книга 2 от поредицата "Bulgarian Academic Monographs". ... The disintegration of the totalitarian-communist system has led to a total crisis of society, a radical and dramatic restructuring, a reassessment of all values, a clearly evident prevalence of negatively defined freedom. For the Balkan region, these general conditions were further complicated by the neighborhood of different ethno-religious communities. Ethnic mobilization, various cultural, religious and political tensions, are rooted here both in the history of the region’s cultural and religious identities and in the totalitarian system of the recent ... |
Книга 1 от поредицата "Bulgarian Academic Monographs". ... The book is a comprehensive crystallogenetic overview on the morphology of minerals based on the authors’ original ideas. Current theories of crystal growth are briefly dealt with, attention being paid to the classical layer-by-layer and dislocation mechanisms. The modification of crystal forms of the most important rock-forming and ore-forming minerals, presented by their principal crystal habits, is checked by both observation in their natural occurrences and laboratory experiments. Crystal growth by accretion of clusters and/or submicroscopic ... |
Ангелина Вачева е доцент по руска литература на XVIII и XIX век в Катедрата по руска литература на Софийския университет "Св. Климент Охридски". Научните ѝ интереси включат историята, поетиката и международните връзки на руската литература от XVIII-XIX век, мемоаристика. ... |
Книга посвящена весьма актуальной проблеме - установлению взаимосвязи реологических свойств и процессов структурообразования с целью их направленного регулирования для получения систем и материалов с заданными свойствами. Решение этой проблемы становится особенно важным в связи с разработкой новых высокоинтенсивных технологий получения широко применяемых на практике дисперсных композиционных материалов с неорганическим связующим. Важно! Изданието е на много години и наличните бройки не са в перфектния вид, в който обичайно са книгите, които предлагаме. ... |
In the book, the basic results, related to the theoretical aspect of the GMM, are collected. Some of the GMM applications are described in a simpler form as illustrations. In future, a part of hem will be extended to real models. For example, a series of models have been already prepared, for forest fires, taking into consideration the strength and direction of wind, characteristics of terrain, speed of wood burning and speed of fire spread, as well as other factors. In these models, the grids are 3-dimensional spaces. These models provoked some new ideas for extension of the theoretical research and possibilities for new ... |
В книгата са разгледани нелинейни ефекти, проявявани при протичането на природните бедствия, негативните последици от тях и преодоляването им. Основно внимание е отделено на най-опасните и смъртоносни бедствия (земетресения и цунами), които през последните години предизвикват все повече жертви и разрушения. Разгледани са и други природни опасности като вулкани, горски пожари, наводнения, бури и др. Изучаването на природните опасности, тяхното моделиране, разработването на методологии за комплексна оценка на риска и менажирането и картирането му, са сред основните тематични направления в книгата. Оценката на уязвимост, ... |
Drawing on different versions of the constitutional analysis of culture, this study addresses the search for "new post-epistemological identities" of science, political culture and art criticism. The book offers hermeneutic investigations of issues like the rationality of science, the notion of dialogue relevant to the pluralist public spheres, and the character of art criticisms after the "end of art". Dimitri Ginev is a professor at the University of Sofia. His research interests include history of modern hermeneutics, cultural and social theory of modernity, non-foundational epistemology, and ... |