В изследването се прави задълбочен теоретичен и емпиричен анализ на енергийната бедност, като се разглеждат 12 индикатора, включени в препоръките на ЕС и на Обсерваторията за енергийна бедност в Брюксел. Използвани са данни от 2014 до 2019 г. от изследване на НСИ - Наблюдение на бюджетите на домакинствата с национално представителна извадка от 3000 домакинства и 7000 души и данни в период от 10 или повече години за налични макроикономически индикатори за доходи и разходи на домакинствата, БВП, инфлация, заетост, цени на енергийни ресурси и други. Резултатите от изследването посочват, че най-адекватна за националните ... |
Съставител: Яна Андреева. ... Esta Antologia é o resultado da primeira fase, desenvolvida no ano de 2007, do Projeto de Monitoria da área de Literaturas Portuguesa e Africana do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Vernáculas da UFF - Revitalizando o curso de Letras da UFF: um corpus para Literatura Portuguesa -, com o objetivo de reunir um conjunto de textos literários a serem estudados na disciplina obrigatória de Literatura Portuguesa I. O corpus foi selecionado a partir de pesquisa dos conteúdos de estudos e programas utilizados nos cursos de Letras da região, considerando a nova ... |
Prof. Dr. Cyril Pavlikianov, Dr. Habilitatus (D.Sc.), Ph.D., M.A. was born in Sofia in 1965. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Byzantine History at the National and Capodistrian University of Athens in 1998. He was Assistant Professor of Modern Greek Philology in 1998–2001, and Associate Professor of Byzantine Literature in 2001–2007 at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology of the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”. In 2004 he obtained the scientific degree of Doctor Habilitatus (Doctor Scientiarum) in Mediaeval History, and in 2007 was elected full Professor of Byzantine Philology and Palaeography in the ... |
From the international bestselling author of Physics of the Impossible and Physics of the Future. This is the story of a quest: to find a Theory of Everything. Einstein dedicated his life to seeking this elusive Holy Grail, a single, revolutionary god equation which would tie all the forces in the universe together, yet never found it. Some of the greatest minds in physics took up the search, from Stephen Hawking to Brian Greene. None have yet succeeded. In The God Equation, renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku takes the reader on a mind-bending ride through the twists and turns of this epic journey: a ... |
From the New York Times bestselling author of Start With Why and Leaders Eat Last, a bold framework for leadership in today's ever-changing world. How do we win a game that has no end? Finite games, like football or chess, have known players, fixed rules and a clear endpoint. The winners and losers are easily identified. Infinite games, games with no finish line, like business or politics, or life itself, have players who come and go. The rules of an infinite game are changeable while infinite games have no defined endpoint. There are no winners or losers-only ahead and behind. The question is, how do we play ... |
"The Selected Readings in Public Administration" is a guidance manual designed to help and encourage students in the teaching process in the course "Fundamentals of Public Administration". This is a compulsory course included in the Bachelor Degree Program "Administration and Management" taught in English at the "University of National and World Economy". Its purpose is to offer an improved way to teach the "basics" of public administration, which would be both exciting and challenging for students. ... |
From the author of the million-copy bestseller "Sapiens" Sapiens showed us where we came from. Homo Deus looked to the future. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century explores the present. How can we protect ourselves from nuclear war, ecological cataclysms and technological disruptions? What can we do about the epidemic of fake news or the threat of terrorism? What should we teach our children? Yuval Noah Harari takes us on a thrilling journey through today's most urgent issues. The golden thread running through his exhilarating new book is the challenge of maintaining our collective and individual focus in the ... |
"Im Jahr, an dessen Schwelle wir stehen, wird unser Volk den 100. Jahrestag der Befreiung Bulgariens vom osmanischen Joch begehen. Ein Jahrhundert nationale Freiheit nach fünf Jahrhunderten Knechtschaft! Ein jahrhundert, das durch den Aufgang des roten Sterns unserer revolutionären kommunistischen Bewegung gekennzeichnet ist, ein jahrhundert, dessen Weg von dem in den Kämpfen gegen den kapitalismus und Faschismus vergossenen Blut gezeichnet ist, ein jahrhundert, das mit den großen Schritten der socialistischen Fünfjahrpläne der kommunistischen Zukunft Bulgariens entgegenschreitet. Vom ... |
Discover how a cosmic perspective can change everything. Why are we here? What gives us hope? How do we know? 101 exchanges with the most influential scientist on the planet."The most popular scientist in the world". Sunday Times "Don't fear change. Don't fear failure. The only thing to fear is loss of ambition. But if you've got plenty of that, then you have nothing to fear at all." Neil deGrasse Tyson Neil deGrasse Tyson is arguably the most influential, acclaimed scientist on the planet. As director of the Hayden Planetarium, and host of Cosmos and StarTalk, he has dedicated his life ... |
This book is based on a PhD thesis entitled "Philosophy of Translation: Between the Literal and the Interpretation". The present text differs from the latter not merely in form - both due to the year - long maturation of the initial ideas, as well as to the different target audience. The research aims at elucidating the position and interrelation of interpretation and literalness, as well as the factors underlining their interaction in the process of translation. What ultimately ensues is a new perspective on questions regarding the essence and boundaries of translation. ... |
Traditions and their Transformations in the British Cinema of the 90s, of the 20th Century ... Writing this book was a strange journey over bridges across different cultures. The title is a metaphor of the hybrid, intellectual and anti-spectacular british feature cinema from the end of the 20 th century with affinity to egalitarianism, minimalism of the "short form", archetypal imagery and hedonism. It is a triumph of the expansive yough's counter-culture with it's intrinsic intolerance of authority, power and cliches. The transformation of tradition in the context of instability of the national- ... |
Andrei Danchev (1933 - 1996) was a Bulgarian linguist, Anglicist and Americanist who worked for the Department of English and American Studies at Sofia University. Danchev was the author of a widely accepted system for the Bulgarian transcription of English names and, together with M. Holman, E. Dimova and M. Savova, also an English-oriented system for the Romanization of Bulgarian known as the Danchev System. ... |