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Образователна чуждоезична литература

/ общо 219 продукта /
Historia de la literatura Española. Siglos de Oro: Renacimiento
Mariana Dimitrova
Цена:  10.00 лв.
Practical Biochemistry for Medical Students
Asya Tsanova, Vishnya Stoyanova, Emilia Stoimenova, Roumen Todorov, Albena Jordanova
Цена:  20.00 лв.
Life's Greatest Secret. The Race To Crack The Genetic Code
Matthew Cobb
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  33.00 лв.
The Byzantine Documents of the Athonite Monastery of Karakallou and Selected Acts from the Ottoman Period 1294 - 1835
Cyril Pavlikianov
Цена:  18.00 лв.
The Athonite Monastery of Vatopedi from 1462 to 1707
Cyril Pavlikianov
Цена:  25.00 лв.
To libraries, with love. The Library-Information Policy of Bulgaria 1989 - 2013
Alexander Dimchev
Цена:  14.00 лв.
Discrete Functions : Representation, Complexity and Classification
Ivo Damyanov, Slavcho Shtrakov
Цена:  12.00 лв.
Wonders Beyond Numbers
Johnny Ball
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  25.00 лв.
Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams
Matthew Walker
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  24.90 лв.
Bean Counters
Richard Brooks
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  28.00 лв.
South Slavonic Apocryphal Collections
Anissava Miltenova
Цена:  30.00 лв.
Medieval Slavic Acts from Mount Athos 1230 - 1734
Кирил Павликянов
Цена:  24.00 лв.
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Historia de la literatura Española. Siglos de Oro: Renacimiento -

Historia de la literatura Española. Siglos de Oro: Renacimiento

Mariana Dimitrova

УИ Св. Климент Охридски
Цена:  10.00 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Editorial Universitaria "San Clemente de Ojrid". Historia de la literatura Española. ...
Practical Biochemistry for Medical Students -

Practical Biochemistry for Medical Students

Asya Tsanova, Vishnya Stoyanova, Emilia Stoimenova, Roumen Todorov, Albena Jordanova

УИ Св. Климент Охридски
Цена:  20.00 лв.
The textbook is intended for preparation on the practicals of Biochemistry for the first and the second year master's degree students, specialty "Medicine" of the Faculty of Medicine at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". ...
Life's Greatest Secret. The Race To Crack The Genetic Code -

Life's Greatest Secret. The Race To Crack The Genetic Code

Matthew Cobb


Цена:  33.00 лв.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Shortlisted for the Royal Society Winton Prize for Science Books. ... Life's Greatest Secret is the story of the discovery and cracking of the genetic code. This great scientific breakthrough has had far-reaching consequences for how we understand ourselves and our place in the natural world. The code forms the most striking proof of Darwin's hypothesis that all organisms are related, holds tremendous promise for improving human well-being, and has transformed the way we think about life. Matthew Cobb interweaves science, biography and anecdote in a book that mixes remarkable insights, theoretical dead-ends and ...
The Byzantine Documents of the Athonite Monastery of Karakallou and Selected Acts from the Ottoman Period 1294 - 1835 -

The Byzantine Documents of the Athonite Monastery of Karakallou and Selected Acts from the Ottoman Period 1294 - 1835

Cyril Pavlikianov

УИ Св. Климент Охридски
Цена:  18.00 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Critical Edition and Commentary of the Texts. ... Настоящото изследване представя обширен коментар на историческия, филологическия и топографския контекст на всички византийски документи и избрани укази и декрети от османския период, съхранявани в архива на манастира Каракал в Атон. Общият брой на представените документи, съставени в периода 1294 - 1835, е 28, като 17 от тях досега не са били публикувани. ...
The Athonite Monastery of Vatopedi from 1462 to 1707 -

The Athonite Monastery of Vatopedi from 1462 to 1707

Cyril Pavlikianov

УИ Св. Климент Охридски
Цена:  25.00 лв.
Based on several field trips to mount Athos, the present monograph examines and publushes the texts of seventy post-Byzantine Greek and Slavic documents kept in the monastery of Vatopedi. The author makes an attempt at restoring the monastery's history from the fall of Byzantium up to the year 1707 commenting many interesting details ot Vatopedi's social and cultural relations with the Balkans, the Near East, Italy and Russia. ...
To libraries, with love. The Library-Information Policy of Bulgaria 1989 - 2013 -

To libraries, with love. The Library-Information Policy of Bulgaria 1989 - 2013

Alexander Dimchev

УИ Св. Климент Охридски
Цена:  14.00 лв.
This collection incorporates selected texts of various types, including: conference reports; materials intended for national projects or programs; scientific articles; international projects; theoretical works; communications. The compiler’s idea is to provide a mirror-like picture of the developments in the Bulgarian library-and-information sector on the basis of the above texts; to outline the trends of development of this sector during this period; to present some theoretical works containing projections and different policies [that could be] implemented within the library-and-information spectrum. This publication is ...
Discrete Functions Representation, Complexity and Classification -

Discrete Functions : Representation, Complexity and Classification

Ivo Damyanov, Slavcho Shtrakov

УИ Св. Климент Охридски
Цена:  12.00 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Ivo Damyanov has a MSc in Mathematics (1995) and holds a PhD in Computer science (2012). He is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics, at the South-West University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. His professional and scientific research interests are in the fields of Discrete Functions, Tree Automata, Universal Algebra, Metaprogramming, Domain-Specific Languages, Code Generation and Static Code Analysis, etc. Slavcho Shtrakov has a PhD degree in Discrete Mathematics and has a DSc degree in Algebra and Discrete Mathematics. He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics at the South-West University, ...
Wonders Beyond Numbers -

Wonders Beyond Numbers

Johnny Ball

Цена:  25.00 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
A brief history of all things: Mathematical. ... In this book, Johnny Ball tells one of the most important stories in world history - the story of mathematics. By introducing us to the major characters and leading us through many historical twists and turns, Johnny slowly unravels the tale of how humanity built up a knowledge and understanding of shapes, numbers and patterns from ancient times, a story that leads directly to the technological wonderland we live in today. As Galileo said, 'Everything in the universe is written in the language of mathematics', and Wonders Beyond Numbers is your guide to this ...
Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams -

Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams

Matthew Walker

Penguin Books
Цена:  24.90 лв.
Продуктът е сред най-интересните в
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our life, health and longevity and yet it is increasingly neglected in twenty-first-century society, with devastating consequences: every major disease in the developed world - Alzheimer's, cancer, obesity, diabetes - has very strong causal links to deficient sleep. In this book, the first of its kind written by a scientific expert, Professor Matthew Walker explores twenty years of cutting-edge research to solve the mystery of why sleep matters. Looking at creatures from across the animal kingdom as well as major human studies, Why We Sleep delves into everything from ...
Bean Counters -

Bean Counters

Richard Brooks


Цена:  28.00 лв.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
They helped cause the 2008 financial crash. They created a global tax avoidance industry. They lurk behind the scenes at every level of government... The world's "Big Four" accountancy firms - PwC, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, and KPMG - have become a gilded elite, with an average partner's salary rivalling that of a Premier League footballer. How has this seemingly humdrum profession achieved this, and what price are we paying for their excesses? Informed by numerous insider interviews, investigative journalist Richard Brooks charts the profession's rise to global influence and offers a gripping expose ...
South Slavonic Apocryphal Collections -

South Slavonic Apocryphal Collections

Anissava Miltenova

Изток - Запад
Цена:  30.00 лв.
This book represents a study of the textology, typology, sources and literary peculiarities of the so-called ’miscellanies of mixed content' in the South Slavonic tradition (from the end of 13th - the beginning of 18th c.) - less known or unknown in the Humanities. The problem is closely related to the apocryphal collections in the Balkan Cyrillic manuscripts, as the Apocrypha are a significant part of this type of manuscripts. The scope of the study is to popularize the series and texts that fill the gap in the translation and perception of the Slavonic Apocrypha. New information is presented over the sources ...
Medieval Slavic Acts from Mount Athos 1230 - 1734 -

Medieval Slavic Acts from Mount Athos 1230 - 1734

Кирил Павликянов

УИ Св. Климент Охридски
Цена:  24.00 лв.
Prof. Dr. Cyril P. Pavlikianov, Dr. Habilitatus (D.Sc.), Ph.D., M.A. is born in Sofia in 1965. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Byzantine History at the National and Capodistrian University of Athens in 1998. He has been Assistant Professor of Modern Greek Philology (1998 - 2001) and Associate Professor of Byzantine Literature (2001 - 2007) at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology of the University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski". In 2004 he obtained the scholarly degree Doctor Habilitatus (Doctor Scientiarum) in Mediaeval History, and in 2007 he was elected full Professor of Byzantine Philology and ...
Образователна чуждоезична литература Продукти 157-168 от общо 219
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