Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers from the Oxford Bookworms Library available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. More than fifty years ago, the new US President, John F. Kennedy, spoke these words. Millions of Americans listened, and they were filled with hope. With Kennedy as president, surely there was a great future ahead for their country. But Kennedy ... |
"Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles" are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. About a quarter of the people in the world today speak or use English. In homes and schools, offices and meeting rooms, ships and airports, people are speaking English... How has this happened? How did English begin, and what will become of it? The history of English is a journey through space and time, ... |
Based on the story of Charles Dickens. Retold by Clare West. ... Christmas is humbug, Scrooge says - just a time when you find yourself a year older and not a penny richer. The only thing that matters to Scrooge is business, and making money. But on Christmas Eve three spirits come to visit him. They take him travelling on the wings of the night to see the shadows of Christmas past, present, and future - and Scrooge learns a lesson that he will never forget. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1 - C1 of ... |
По романа на Чарлз Дикенс, преразказан от Елизабет Ферети. ... Dickens' favourite Christmas story shows us the difficult lives of the poor, but it is also a story of hope, where the future can be better. Ebenezer Scrooge loves only one thing - money. He has no friends, doesn't like his family and never helps anyone. But when Jacob Marley, who's been dead for seven years, arrives at his house one night, Scrooge learns that a good life is about much more than money. In this Reader you will find information about Charles Dickens' life, focus on sections: England in the 1800s, Christmas traditions and ... |
Учи английски с Джастис, Питър и Боб. Криминална история за четене и слушане. ... Когато Джастис печели участие в популярна телевизионна игра "Who cracks the nut?", той не подозира, че правилността на отговорите му ще зависи не само голямата парична печалба, но и животът на дъщерята на водещия! Тя е отвлечена, а похитителите настояват да получат верни отговори на четири гатанки... Поредицата детективски истории "Трите???" включва 8 адаптирани книжки. Увлекателните истории на английски с превод на трудните думи ще заинтригуват учениците, а многобройните упражнения за работа с текст, английско- ... |
Why aren't the students at Mangrove High School allowed to study maths or use computers? Who are the strange Wardens who watch over them all the time? And is someone listening in on their thoughts, when they are sent to The Room? Finn and Ellie both know that something isn't right in their world. But when they start asking questions, their lives are turned upside-down - and suddenly even their families are no longer what they seemed. Finn is in great danger, but when his brother Adam offers to help, he needs to find out fast if he can really trust him... Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for ... |
Based on the story of Louis de Bernieres. Retold by Jennifer Bassett. ... Red Dog was a Red Cloud kelpie, an Australian sheepdog. His life was full of excitement and adventure. He travelled all over Western Australia, and never really had an owner. But he had many, many friends, and he always knew where to go for a good meal. Louis de Bernieres collected these stories about the life of a real dog in Western Australia. They are all true stories - some are funny, some are sad, but all are unforgettable. Everybody should have a friend like Red Dog. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and ... |
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers from the Oxford Bookworms Library available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. What does the world look like from the moon?. How do our bodies work?. Is it possible for people to fly?. Can I make a horse of bronze that is 8 metres tall?. How can we have cleaner cities?. All his life, Leonardo da Vinci asked questions. We know him as a great artist, but he was one of the great thinkers of all time, and ... |
Based on the story of Mary Shelley. Retold by Patrick Nobes. ... Victor Frankenstein thinks he has found the secret of life. He takes parts from dead people and builds a new man. But this monster is so big and frightening that everyone runs away from him - even Frankenstein himself! The monster is like an enormous baby who needs love. But nobody gives him love, and soon he learns to hate. And, because he is so strong, the next thing he learns is how to kill... Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1 - C1 of ... |
Лиляна е психолог в Буенос Айрес. Нейната работа е прекъсната, когато се появява мистериозен пациент и ѝ прави странно предложение. Книгата от поредицата "America Latina" съдържа множество културни, политически, географски и гастрономически коментари, както и дейности за упражнение. Към нея е включен и диск с разказа на романа, идеален за практикуване на слушане с разбиране и за запознаване с испанския език, характерен за Аржентина. ... |
Based on the story of Lewis Carroll. Retold by Jennifer Bassett. ... "I wish I could get through into looking-glass house," - Alice said. 'Let's pretend that the glass has gone soft and... Why, I do believe it has! It's turning into a kind of cloud!" By the book A moment later Alice is inside the looking-glass world. There she finds herself part of a great game of chess, travelling through forests and jumping across brooks. The chess pieces talk and argue with her, give orders and repeat poems... It is the strangest dream that anyone ever had... Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. ... |
Based on the story of William Shakespeare. Retold by Anna Trewin. ... Life is sweet for Othello. He is deeply in love with his new wife, Desdemona, and as the Duke's general, he is the most important person in Venice's army. But Othello does not know that his flag-bearer, Iago, hates him and wants revenge. As Iago begins to succeed with his clever plans, a frightening emotion takes hold of Othello's hear: will jealousy destroy him? This is one of Shakespeare's most famous tragedies, retold here as a story, not a play. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult ... |